vendredi 3 novembre 2017

Why Don't We Post on the Blog Anymore?

Pourquoi Nous Ne Postons Plus sur le Blog?

Hello les fans! Vous avez surement remarqué que nous ne postions plus les news sur le blog depuis 2 semaines.  Je dis "nous" mais je devrais dire "je", puisque je suis maintenant seule à m'occuper du blog depuis un peu plus de 2 ans. Depuis 2012 et la promo de 'Cosmopolis', j'ai eu à cœur de poster ici toute l'actualité film, musique et mode de Rob, de traduire en français et en anglais les articles et interviews, d’héberger toutes les photos de tous les events, pour partager et dialoguer avec d'autres fans passionnés comme moi  ... mais tout ceci prend beaucoup beaucoup beaucoup de temps. Et seule c'est devenu une activité encore plus chronophage. Et malgré le fait que je passe de très bons moments à partager toutes ces infos au jour le jour ici avec vous, le temps me manque cruellement. Je veux consacrer plus de temps à ma famille, mes amis et au métier passion que j’exerce et que j'adore. C'est pourquoi après plusieurs mois de réflexion j'ai décidé de ne publier les news plus que sur les comptes Twitter et Facebook de Pattinson Art Work et d'arrêter de poster sur le blog. Qui est la partie qui prend évidemment beaucoup de temps. Je m'excuse d'avance pour les fans qui ne sont pas sur les réseaux sociaux, tout comme ceux qui prenaient plaisir à venir retrouver toutes les infos ici en un seul et même endroit. J'ai l'impression de vous trahir un peu... Mais les choses changent et on s'adapte au mieux. J'espère que vous ne m'en voudrez pas et que vous viendrez me suivre sur les réseaux sociaux pour continuer à voir toute l'actualité de Rob: Twitter & Facebook. A bientôt!

Hello fans! You probably noticed that we didn't post any news on the blog since 2 weeks. I say "we" but I should say "I", since I am now alone to work on the blog since a little more than 2 years. Since 2012 and the 'Cosmopolis'' promo, I had at heart to post here every Rob's film, music and fashion news, to translate in French and in English articles and interviews, to host all the photos of all events, to share and interact with other passionate fans like me ... but all of this takes a lot of time. And this activity is even more time-consuming since I work alone on the blog. And despite the fact that I spend very good moments sharing all these news day-to-day here with you, I need more time for me. I need more time for my family, my friends and for the artistic job that I do and love. That's why after taking time to think about it I decided to now post the news only on Pattinson Art Work's Twitter and Facebook accounts and stop posting on the blog. Which is the part that obviously takes a lot of time. I apologize in advance for the fans who are not on social media, just like those who liked to come here to find all the news in one place. I feel like I betray you a little... But things change and we adapt the best we can. I hope you won't be annoyed with me and that you will follow Pattinson Art Work on social media to keep looking at all the Rob news: Twitter & Facebook. See you soon!

mardi 17 octobre 2017

'Good Time': A24 Shares New Still with Robert Pattinson as Connie Nikas

'Good Time': A24 a Partagé une Nouvelle Still avec Robert Pattinson aka Connie Nikas

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Source / Thanks Sally!

'High Life': Director Claire Denis Talks about Rob with The Daily Beast "I'm very happy with him"

'High Life': La Réalisatrice Claire Denis a Parlé de Rob avec The Daily Beast "Je suis vraiment heureuse avec lui"

From The Daily Beast:
(...) Denis will follow up Let the Sun Shine In with her first English-language film, High Life, a sci-fi effort about convicts who strike a deal to have their sentences reduced in return for venturing to a black hole. It’s yet another unconventional undertaking for the director, and one that will reunite her with Binoche as well as feature André Benjamin (aka André 3000) and, as headliner, Robert Pattinson. Given that production is just underway, she’s loath to discuss specifics about it, admitting, “I will wait until the film is finished. I cannot talk about a film when I’m in the process of shooting; it’s not possible.”
Still, she’s not coy about the obvious reason she chose to collaborate with the Twilight and Good Time star, proclaiming that Pattinson’s allure is undeniable. “What’s appealing to me [about him] is appealing to everyone, I guess. Is appealing altogether. I’m very happy with him!”


lundi 16 octobre 2017

'High Life': Juliette Binoche Shares New Picture of Robert Pattinson with the Cast on the Set in Cologne

'High Life': Juliette Binoche a Partagé une Nouvelle Photo de Robert Pattinson avec le Cast sur le Tournage à Cologne

C'est l'heure du déjeuner pour tout le cast mais on voit clairement que Rob porte le costume de son personnage sous son peignoir. Merci Juliette!
It's lunch time for all the cast but it's clear that Rob is wearing his character's outfit under his robe. Thanks Juliette!

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Légende: Le plus beau groupe d'acteurs pour High Life (Claire Denis) en Allemagne : Lars, Claire, Rob, Agata, Gloria, Ewan et Mia... (il manque tout de même André!) #highlife #clairedenis #larseidinger #clairetran #robertpattinson #agatabuzek #ewanmitchell #miagoth #andrebenjamin
Caption: The most beautiful group of actors for High Life (Claire Denis) in Germany : Lars, Claire, Rob, Agata, Gloria, Ewan and Mia... (missing André though!) #highlife #clairedenis #larseidinger #clairetran #robertpattinson #agatabuzek #ewanmitchell #miagoth #andrebenjamin

dimanche 15 octobre 2017

Video - Robert Pattinson Discusses Next Year's 10 Year Anniversary of 'Twilight' with Metro UK

Vidéo - Robert Pattinson Discute de l'Anniversaire des 10 Ans de 'Twilight' l'Année Porchaine avec Metro UK

Ce n'est que la première partie de l'interview. L'intégralité sortira mi-Novembre juste avant la sortie Anglaise de 'Good Time'.
This is only the first part of the interview. The full interview will be released mid-November prior to the UK release of 'Good Time' 

From Metro UK:
In 2018 Twilight fans around the world will most definitely be celebrating the film’s ten-year anniversary. One person who won’t be? The film’s star Robert Pattinson.

In 2008 Pattinson joined the cast of what was then a little indie film called Twilight that would go on to become a major movie juggernaut spawning four more movies, a passionate fan base and more fan fiction than one could ever read.

And it turned Pattinson’s life into a free for all.

It’s no wonder then that the actor, who in the five years since the last film was released has stepped away from the world of franchises and chosen to work with a carefully selected group of auteurs, has chosen to lock that part of his early career away.

When asked by if he had any plans to celebrate the anniversary, he was shocked to realise that ten years had indeed passed and that his only plan was to ‘work’ and keep himself busy.

‘I’m trying to avoid… I’ll probably just get some work done,’ he said.


Robert Pattinson Talks about 'Brimstone' in Dutch Interview + Translation

Robert Pattinson Parle du Film 'Brimstone' dans une Interview Néerlandaise

Cette interview a été faite lors du dernier Festival de Cannes
This interview was made during Cannes Film Festival

Source / Via Purely Pattinson

lundi 9 octobre 2017

New Behind the Scene Photo of Robert Pattinson from Esquire UK Photoshoot

Nouvelle Photo de Robert Pattinson dans les Coulisses du Photoshoot pour Esquire UK

On espère qu'il y a encore plus de photos outtakes comme celle ci!
We hope there are more outtakes like this one!

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Légende: Les coulisses avec Robert Pattinson. Habillé par moi! Numéro d'Octobre d'ESQUIRE UK. Il porte du @diorhomme #diorhomme @ukesquire #UKESQUIRE @ck.lau @kris_van_assche #menswear #editorial #covershoot #robertpattinson #rpatz #newyork #ilovemagazines #fashion #theflowershopnyc #carinbackoff #catherinehayward #catherinehaywardstyle
Caption: Behind the scenes with Robert Pattinson. Styling by me! October issue of ESQUIRE UK. Wearing @diorhomme #diorhomme @ukesquire #UKESQUIRE @ck.lau @kris_van_assche #menswear #editorial #covershoot #robertpattinson #rpatz #newyork #ilovemagazines #fashion #theflowershopnyc #carinbackoff #catherinehayward #catherinehaywardstyle


dimanche 8 octobre 2017

'Good Time': New Robert Pattinson's Interview in FAQ Magazine (Germany) - Digital Scans

'Good Time': Nouvelle Interview de Robert Pattinson dans le Magazine FAQ (Allemagne) - Scans Digitaux

Magazine Numéro 44
44 Issue. No Translation yet. Will post it as soon as we have one

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'Good Time': Robert Pattinson's Interview in L'Officiel Magazine (France) - Digital Scans

'Good Time': Interview de Robert Pattinson dans le Magazine L'Officiel (France) - Scans Digitaux

Numéro d'Octobre 2017. Rien de nouveau. Ce sont des questions et des réponses que nous avons déjà lu dans d'autres interview.
October 2017 issue. Nothing new. Its features questions and answers we already read in other interviews.

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Thanks to Sally for the scans!

samedi 7 octobre 2017

'Good Time': Great Fan Pictures & Videos of Robert Pattinson on Stage at London Premiere at BFI (10/05/17)

'Good Time': Photos & Vidéos de Fan de Robert Pattinson sur Scène à l'Avant-Première Londonienne à la BFI (05/10/17)


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'Good Time': New Pictures of Robert Pattinson Doing Interview with Associated Press Today (10/06/2017)

'Good Time': Nouvelles Photos de Robert Pattinson en Interview avec Associated Press Aujourd'hui (06/10/017)

Ca promet encore une bonne interview et on a hâte de connaitre ce spoiler!!!
It seems it will be a good interview and we can not wait to know this spoiler!!!

J'ai apprécié ce face à face avec Robert Pattinson et Josh Safdie aujourd'hui 👌 et Good Time est un sacré film.
Conversation incroyable avec Robert Pattinson au sujet de Good Time - il a dit que jouer la comédie  lui permettait de vêtir "mille visages" et il a donné un spoiler sur son prochain film ...

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Celebrity spam week finishes here with this showing me and R-Patz have the same dumb sense of humour
La semaine du spam de célébrités se finit ici avec cette photo montrant que moi et R-Patz avons le même sens de l'humour débile

'Good Time': New Picture of Robert Pattinson Doing Press Junket Today in London (10/06/17)

'Good Time': Nouvelle Photo de Robert Pattinson en Press Junket Aujourd'hui à Londres (06/10/17)

Donc, le mec de London, RobertPattinson, aime bien discuter de cheveux sales et dit que ça fait trop longtemps que Daniel Radcliffe ne se sont rencontrés.

'Good Time': New Picture of Robert Pattinson Doing Press with Metro Entertainment Today (10/06/17)

'Good Time': Nouvelle Photo de Robert Pattinson en Interview avec Metro Entertainment Aujourd'hui (06/10/17)

Une nouvelle interview arrive bientôt / New interview is coming soon

Nous avons discutés avec Robert Pattinson et c'était un #GoodTime (#désoléspasdésolés). Surveillez @Metro_Ents pour plus...

jeudi 5 octobre 2017

'Good Time': Robert Pattinson at the 'Good Time' London Premiere at BFI (10/05/17)

'Good Time': Robert Pattinson à l'Avant-Première Londonienne de 'Good Time' à la BFI (05/10/17)

Update: Ajout de photos de fans / Added fan pictures

Robert Pattinson at The Academy's New Member's Party at Spencer House (10/05/17)

Robert Pattinson à la Soirée des Nouveaux Membres de l'Académie à la Spencer House (05/10/17)

Update: Ajout de nombreuses photos / Added lots of pictures

'Good Time': New Still of Connie Nikas in Empire UK Mag + New BTS Video

'Good Time': Nouvelle Still de Connie Nikas dans le Magazine Empire UK + Nouvelle Vidéo BTS

Numéro de Novembre / November Issue

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Source & Source

mercredi 27 septembre 2017

Robert Pattinson to Attend 'Good Time' Screening at Cologne Film Festival on October 1st (Germany)

Robert Pattinson se Rendra à la Projection de 'Good Time' au Festival du Film de Cologne le 1er Octobre (Allemagne)

Update 2: La venue de Rob est de retour sur site du Festival de Cologne.Et il restera pour une session de questions/réponses après la projection.
Update 2: Rob's attendance is back on the Cologne Festival site. And he will stay for a Q&A after the screening.

Vous pouvez réserver vos billets ici
You can buy your tickets here

Source / Thanks Sally!

mardi 26 septembre 2017

'Good Time': Two New Pictures of Connie & Nick Nikas in Character Development Stage

'Good Time': Deux Nouvelles Photos de Connie & Nick Nikas durant la Phase de Dévelopement des Personnages

Via les archives des Safdie / From the Safdie Archives

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Robert Pattinson to be Honored at the Savannah Film Festival! (USA)

Robert Pattinson sera Honoré lors du Prochain Festival du Film de Savannah! (USA)


Rob va recevoir le Maverick Award! Il y aura aussi une projection de 'Good Time' au Savannah Film Festival suivi d'une conversation avec Rob sur son travail. La programmation complète sera annoncée dans les prochains jours. Le Festival du film Savannah se déroule du 28 octobre au 4 novembre 2017. Vous pouvez acheter vos billets et vos pass pour le Festival ici

Update: Rob recevra son prix le Vendredi 3 Novembre à 19h (Heure locale)

Rob will get the Maverick Award! There will be a screening of 'Good Time' at the Savannah Film Festival too, followed by a conversation with Rob about his work. The full lineup will be announced in the coming days. Savannah Film Festival runs from October 28 to November 4 2017. You can buy your tickets & passes for the Festival here

Update: Rob will receive his award on Friday November 3 at 7 p.m.

Savannah Film Fest: Aaron Sorkin, Robert Pattinson Among Oscar Hopefuls Set for 20th Edition
A veritable phalanx of 2017 Oscar contenders — Detroit's John Boyega, The Big Sick's Holly Hunter, Good Time's Robert Pattinson, Beatriz at Dinner's Salma Hayek Pinault, Molly's Game's Aaron Sorkin and Logan's Patrick Stewart, plus the directors of 10 top contenders for the best documentary feature Oscar — will head south to be honored as part of the blowout 20th edition of the SCAD Savannah Film Festival.
Big-name guests will pick up honors following screenings of and conversations about their 2017 work that will be spread throughout the eight-day gathering: Boyega will receive the Vanguard Award; Hunter, the Icon Award; Pattinson, the Maverick Award; Pinault, the Outstanding Achievement in Cinema Award; Sorkin, the Outstanding Achievement in Directing Award; and Stewart, the Legend of Cinema Award. Additional honorees, master classes, coffee talks, lectures, workshops, panel discussions and the full lineup for the fest's 20th edition will be announced in the coming days.


Amazon Studios is Doing a For Your Consideration Oscars Campaign for 'The Lost City of Z' & Rob as Best Actor in a Supporting Role

Amazon Studios Débute une Campagne à l'Attention de l'Academie des Oscars pour 'The Lost City of Z' & Rob en tant que Meilleur Acteur dans un Second Rôle

Quelle excellente nouvelle! Amazon Studios a décidé de soutenir 'The Lost City of Z' et son casting pour la prochaine saison des récompenses en 2018. Rob y apparait dans la catégorie Meilleur Acteur dans un Second Rôle! Croisons les doigts que les membres de l'Académie des Oscars retiennent sa prestation! 

What a great news! Amazon Studios has decided to support 'The Lost City of Z' and its casting for the next Awards season in 2018. Rob features in the Best Actor in a Supporting Role category! We cross our fingers that his perfomance hold the members of the Academy's attention!

Source / Thanks RobPattinsonPT !

Robert Pattinson to Attend the 'Good Time' Screening at London Film Festival on October 5th

Robert Pattinson sera Présent à la Projection de 'Good Time' lors du Festival du Film de Londres le 5 Octobre

La BFI a annoncé que la présence de Rob était confirmée pour le 61ème Festival du Film de Londres. La projection officielle de 'Good Time' à la BFI se tenant le 5 Octobre nous pensons qu'il viendra ce jour là. Vous êtes chanceux si vous avez déjà vos billets pour cette événement car ils ont déjà tous été vendus. Nous ne savons pas encore s'il y aura une session de questions/réponses avec le public ou pas.

BFI announced Rob is confirmed to attend the 61st London Film Festival. The official 'Good Time' BFI screening is on October 5th so we think he should attend this screening. Lucky you if you already have tickets for that event because they are sold out now. We don't know yet if there will be a Q&A session with the audience or not.


samedi 23 septembre 2017

Great Words about Rob from Wonderland Magazine Editor & more Who Worked with Him on this Project

Belles Paroles concernant Rob par la Rédactrice du Magazine Wonderland Magazine & d'autres Qui Ont Travaillé avec Lui sur ce Projet 

Teamed up w/ Rob Patz to create his 1st self directed photo shoot/covers for wonderland. He's a true artist w/o judgments of most, and so open, kind, patient, generous, no ego in spite of fame. Magic to support his vision and connect him w/ the brilliant #YuvalNoahHarari author of #Sapiens They chat Obama, Elon Musk, Art, psychology and lack of flamboyance in most men today in spite of historic trends and male animals being most colorful and flamboyant by nature. When #Enews released chatter began about what it means for Rob to do this look... interesting judgment of art. It's just art here, no hidden meaning people. The articles and images in issue have subjects from his new insanely good film #GOODTIME to #PamAnderson, brilliant women in activism and film, insight into gossip writers and the great #SafdieBrothers & Musican talent #oneohtrix to name a few.. Enjoy! THANK YOU everyone who made this possible including Rob, Meghan & IDPR. Shot by #sandykim at #Pier59Studios #NYC #robertpattinson #wonderland #milanfashionweek #diorhomme thx also to #habibGuabintani of #Dior @rimowa @johnvarvatos @swarovski @naitian @666999666999 @tiptopprops @refineryhotel @eccopn @joshsafdie @goodtimemov and the creator of wonderland @huwgwyther 💕🦄🌈😻 buy now online @wonderlandshop #mfw
Une publication partagée par Erica Cornwall (@ericacornwall) le

jeudi 21 septembre 2017

New Interview of Robert Pattinson in Wonderland Magazine Autumn 17 Issue - Extracts

Nouvelle Interview de Robert Pattinson dans le Magazine Wonderland N°Automne 2017 - Extraits

Update: Ajout des scans / Added scans

From E News:
Robert Pattinson Is Totally Unrecognizable on the Cover of Wonderland

It's Robert Pattinson like you've never seen him before!

The 31-year-old actor is on two covers for Wonderland's Autumn Issue, one of which he wears a pink wig. Inside the magazine, Pattinson, who also guest edits the issue, talks to best-selling author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Yuval Noah Harari about what he wanted the theme of the issue to be.

See what the actor had to say about the edition of the magazine, see more of Pattinson's pics, all dressed in Dior, as well as the other cover of the magazine below!

New Cover & New Photoshoot! Robert Pattinson is on the Cover of Wonderland Magazine Autumn 17 Issue

Nouvelle Couverture & Nouveau Photoshoot! Robert Pattinson est en Couverture du Magazine Wonderland N° Automne 2017

Update: Ajout des photos en HQ & UHQ / Added picture in HQ & UHQ

Comme toujours Rob n'est jamais là où on l'attend! Jetez un œil à ce nouveau photoshoot assez étonnant! Que vous aimiez ce nouveau photoshoot ou non, nous ne pouvons que respecter le fait que Rob n'a vraiment peur de rien et qu'il est toujours très créatif.
As always Rob is never where we expect him! Take a look at this surprising new photoshoot! Whether you like this new photoshoot or not, we can only respect the fact that Rob is really fearless and always very creative.

Vous pouvez le commander ici
You can buy it here

'The Devil all the Time' by Antonio Campos has been Added to Rob's IMDb Page & Listed in 'Pre-Production'

'The Devil all the Time' d'Antonio Campos a été Ajouté à la Page IMDb de Rob & Listée en 'Pré-Production'

Source / Thanks Nancy!

mercredi 20 septembre 2017

'High Life': Claire Denis about Rob: "It's so easy to love him; I liked him immediately" from Vanity Fair France + Translation

'High Life': Claire Denis concernant Rob: "C'est tellement facile de l’adorer; il m'a plu tout de suite" dans Vanity Fair France

Update: Ajout du scan digital de l'interview /  Added the digital scan of the interview

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Voici un extrait de l'interview de Claire Denis avec Vanity Fair France dans laquelle elle parle de sa rencontre avec Rob:

Votre prochain projet est un film de science-fiction avec Robert Pattinson. Il paraît qu’il a insisté pour travailler avec vous. 
Il ne m’a pas démarché, mais il a voulu me rencontrer. Je pensais à quelqu’un de plus âgé pour le rôle. J’ai paniqué : quel intérêt de le voir puisque ça ne pouvait pas être lui ? Lui disait à son agent : “Si ça peut être moi !” Encore un obstiné... Oui. Un jour, j’étais à Los Angeles pour rencontrer des acteurs et Robert, qui y séjourne de temps en temps, est venu me voir. On a parlé dans le jardin de l’hôtel. Pourquoi avait-il autant envie de travailler avec moi ? Ça m’angoissait presque. Puis j’ai lâché. C’est tellement facile de l’adorer ; il m’a plu tout de suite. Il m’avait déjà plu à la fin de Twilight – cette fin, oh là là ! Robert a quelque chose de très particulier. Il n’est pas seulement beau, il est mystérieux. 


Here is an extract from Claire Denis' interview in Vanity Fair France magazine in which she talks about her encounter with Rob:

Your next project is a science fiction movie with Robert Pattinson. He seems to have insisted on working with you. 
He didn't solicit me, but he wanted to meet me. I was thinking of someone older for the role. I panicked: What was the point of seeing him since it could not be him? He said to his agent: "Yes it can be me!" Another stubborn person ... Yes. One day I was in Los Angeles to meet actors and Robert, who stays there from time to time, came to see me. We spoke in the garden of the hotel. Why did he want so badly to work with me? It almost distressed me. Then I let go. It's so easy to love him; I liked him immediately. I already liked him at the end of Twilight - Oh lala that ending! Robert has something very special. He is not only good-looking, he is mysterious.

Translation Pattinson Art Work

Thanks Sally for the scan!

'Good Time': 2 New Cool Alternative German Posters with Robert Pattinson

'Good Time': 2 Super Nouvelles Affiches Alternatives Allemandes avec Robert Pattinson

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Source / Source / Via Sally

'High Life': Claire Denis Talks 'High Life' & Robert Pattinson in Les Inrockuptibles (France) + Translation

'High Life': Claire Denis Parle de 'High Life' & de Robert Pattinson dans Les Inrockuptibles (France) 

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Partial Translation:
The original idea of  'High Life' comes from the day when Claire joked about Vincent Gallo: "You're such a pain in the ass that I'm going to make a movie where you'll be alone in space." The filmmaker has been carrying the film for 5 years and thought she would have to abandon it given the financial issues. We can imagine that the meeting with Robert Pattinson, infinitely more bankable than Gallo, was decisive. Claire remembers: "He wanted to meet me at a time when I was lost about this project. I was seduced by him since Twilight." An American critic wrote: 'Go and see Pattinson, who is an actor who hides an other actor inside.' That's exactly it! I think Robert doesn't want to endure a career that he can't control." She was won over by Pattinson, his knowledge, his intelligence and his liveliness. "One day, in London, I wanted to see 'Phedre' by Warlikowski, and I invited Robert. He asked me how long it lasted, and I said, four hours. I felt him hesitate. He came, most likely to please me, and he came out totally crazy about it! Now he wants to work with Warlikowski." He is an "open" guy.

It will not be a blockbuster of course. The set is small, the scenery is simple, there will be very few special effects. We will be outside the solar system so there will be a lot of black on screen.

In the rest of the article they talk about the other film of Claire Denis 'Bright sunshine in' and how she made research to make 'High Life'.

Scans thanks to Sally!

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