mardi 26 septembre 2017

Robert Pattinson to be Honored at the Savannah Film Festival! (USA)

Robert Pattinson sera Honoré lors du Prochain Festival du Film de Savannah! (USA)


Rob va recevoir le Maverick Award! Il y aura aussi une projection de 'Good Time' au Savannah Film Festival suivi d'une conversation avec Rob sur son travail. La programmation complète sera annoncée dans les prochains jours. Le Festival du film Savannah se déroule du 28 octobre au 4 novembre 2017. Vous pouvez acheter vos billets et vos pass pour le Festival ici

Update: Rob recevra son prix le Vendredi 3 Novembre à 19h (Heure locale)

Rob will get the Maverick Award! There will be a screening of 'Good Time' at the Savannah Film Festival too, followed by a conversation with Rob about his work. The full lineup will be announced in the coming days. Savannah Film Festival runs from October 28 to November 4 2017. You can buy your tickets & passes for the Festival here

Update: Rob will receive his award on Friday November 3 at 7 p.m.

Savannah Film Fest: Aaron Sorkin, Robert Pattinson Among Oscar Hopefuls Set for 20th Edition
A veritable phalanx of 2017 Oscar contenders — Detroit's John Boyega, The Big Sick's Holly Hunter, Good Time's Robert Pattinson, Beatriz at Dinner's Salma Hayek Pinault, Molly's Game's Aaron Sorkin and Logan's Patrick Stewart, plus the directors of 10 top contenders for the best documentary feature Oscar — will head south to be honored as part of the blowout 20th edition of the SCAD Savannah Film Festival.
Big-name guests will pick up honors following screenings of and conversations about their 2017 work that will be spread throughout the eight-day gathering: Boyega will receive the Vanguard Award; Hunter, the Icon Award; Pattinson, the Maverick Award; Pinault, the Outstanding Achievement in Cinema Award; Sorkin, the Outstanding Achievement in Directing Award; and Stewart, the Legend of Cinema Award. Additional honorees, master classes, coffee talks, lectures, workshops, panel discussions and the full lineup for the fest's 20th edition will be announced in the coming days.


From Savannah Film Festival Website: "2017 HONORED GUESTS"

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