mercredi 20 septembre 2017

'High Life': Claire Denis Talks 'High Life' & Robert Pattinson in Les Inrockuptibles (France) + Translation

'High Life': Claire Denis Parle de 'High Life' & de Robert Pattinson dans Les Inrockuptibles (France) 

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Partial Translation:
The original idea of  'High Life' comes from the day when Claire joked about Vincent Gallo: "You're such a pain in the ass that I'm going to make a movie where you'll be alone in space." The filmmaker has been carrying the film for 5 years and thought she would have to abandon it given the financial issues. We can imagine that the meeting with Robert Pattinson, infinitely more bankable than Gallo, was decisive. Claire remembers: "He wanted to meet me at a time when I was lost about this project. I was seduced by him since Twilight." An American critic wrote: 'Go and see Pattinson, who is an actor who hides an other actor inside.' That's exactly it! I think Robert doesn't want to endure a career that he can't control." She was won over by Pattinson, his knowledge, his intelligence and his liveliness. "One day, in London, I wanted to see 'Phedre' by Warlikowski, and I invited Robert. He asked me how long it lasted, and I said, four hours. I felt him hesitate. He came, most likely to please me, and he came out totally crazy about it! Now he wants to work with Warlikowski." He is an "open" guy.

It will not be a blockbuster of course. The set is small, the scenery is simple, there will be very few special effects. We will be outside the solar system so there will be a lot of black on screen.

In the rest of the article they talk about the other film of Claire Denis 'Bright sunshine in' and how she made research to make 'High Life'.

Scans thanks to Sally!

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