Robert Pattinson était des Pieds à la Tête en Gucci à la soirée 'GO GO Gala' la nuit dernière - Via The Fashion Court
Via The Fashion Court:
QUI: Robert Pattinson
OU & QUAND: Soirée 'Go Go Gala', le 13 Novembre 2014.
IL PORTE: Gucci des pieds à la tête.
MON VERDICT : Robert a fait tourner les têtes quand il est apparu lors du GO GO Gala
portant du Gucci des pieds à la tête et arborant une nouvelle coupe de cheveux
rasée/ébouriffée assez troublante. L’acteur de ‘Maps To The Stars’, 28 ans,
avait choisi un costume a revers Dylan de couleur expresso à 2 boutons, en crêpe
de laine, ainsi qu’une chemise bleue pâle issue de la collection Automne/Hiver
Le choix de la couleur n’est peut être pas aussi audacieux que celui de l’année
dernière, mais il figure néanmoins en tête de ma liste.
Cette teinte Moka doux est divine – et plus encore- et c’est peut être un des
costumes le mieux taillé qu’il ai jamais porté, tandis que ses chaussures en
cuir vernis à lacets complétaient parfaitement l’ensemble.
Revenons aux cheveux. J’ai l’impression qu’à chaque fois qu’il change
radicalement de look, il le fait pour un rôle, ce qui m’amène à me demander si
ce changement intéressant à quelque chose à voir avec son prochain film " L’enfance
d’Un Chef "…ou si il a juste décidé ça sur un coup de tête.
Le temps nous le dira. En attendant, qu’en pensez vous ?
Traduction Pattinson Art Work
From The Fashion Court:
WHO: Robert Pattinson
WHERE & WHEN: 'Go go Gala', November 13, 2014
WEARING : Head-to-toe Gucci
MY VERDICT : Robert turned heads when he
stepped out for the annual GO GO Gala wearing head-to-toe Gucci and
sporting a shocking new disheveled undercut hairstyle. The 28-year-old “Maps to
the Stars” actor selected an espresso wool crepe notch lapel two button Dylan
suit with a pale blue dress shirt from the Fall/Winter 2014-2015 collection.
It may not have been as bold of a color as last year, but it still came out on top in my
book. The soft mocha tone is divine–and more than that–this is quite possibly
one of the most well-tailored suits he’s ever worn while his shiny brown
leather lace up shoes were the perfect pair to compliment.
Back to the hair. I feel
like every time Rob drastically changes his look it’s for a role, which leaves
me to wonder if this interesting move has anything to do with his upcoming
movie “Childhood of a Leader”…or if it was just a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Time will tell. In the
meantime, what do you think of it?
Robert turned heads when he stepped out for the annual GO GO Gala wearing head-to-toe
and sporting a shocking new disheveled undercut hairstyle. The
28-year-old “Maps to the Stars” actor selected an espresso wool crepe
notch lapel two button Dylan suit with a pale blue dress shirt from the
Fall/Winter 2014-2015 collection.
It may not have been
as bold of a color as last year,
but it still came out on top in my book. The soft mocha tone is
divine–and more than that–this is quite possibly one of the most
well-tailored suits he’s ever worn while his shiny brown leather lace up
shoes were the perfect pair to compliment.
Back to the hair. I feel like every time Rob drastically changes his
look it’s for a role, which leaves me to wonder if this interesting move
has anything to do with his upcoming movie “Childhood of a Leader”…or
if it was just a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Time will tell. In the meantime, what do you think of it?
- See more at:
Robert turned heads when he stepped out for the annual GO GO Gala wearing head-to-toe
and sporting a shocking new disheveled undercut hairstyle. The
28-year-old “Maps to the Stars” actor selected an espresso wool crepe
notch lapel two button Dylan suit with a pale blue dress shirt from the
Fall/Winter 2014-2015 collection.
It may not have been
as bold of a color as last year,
but it still came out on top in my book. The soft mocha tone is
divine–and more than that–this is quite possibly one of the most
well-tailored suits he’s ever worn while his shiny brown leather lace up
shoes were the perfect pair to compliment.
Back to the hair. I feel like every time Rob drastically changes his
look it’s for a role, which leaves me to wonder if this interesting move
has anything to do with his upcoming movie “Childhood of a Leader”…or
if it was just a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Time will tell. In the meantime, what do you think of it?
- See more at:
Robert turned heads when he stepped out for the annual GO GO Gala wearing head-to-toe
and sporting a shocking new disheveled undercut hairstyle. The
28-year-old “Maps to the Stars” actor selected an espresso wool crepe
notch lapel two button Dylan suit with a pale blue dress shirt from the
Fall/Winter 2014-2015 collection.
It may not have been
as bold of a color as last year,
but it still came out on top in my book. The soft mocha tone is
divine–and more than that–this is quite possibly one of the most
well-tailored suits he’s ever worn while his shiny brown leather lace up
shoes were the perfect pair to compliment.
Back to the hair. I feel like every time Rob drastically changes his
look it’s for a role, which leaves me to wonder if this interesting move
has anything to do with his upcoming movie “Childhood of a Leader”…or
if it was just a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Time will tell. In the meantime, what do you think of it?
- See more at: