vendredi 29 mai 2015

TBT: Cute New-Old Picture of Rob with a Fan from December 2012 in NYC

TBT: Adorable Nouvelle-Ancienne Photo de Rob avec une Fan en Décembre 2012 à New York

Légende: #TBT moi et #RobPattinson il y a 3 ans.
Caption: #TBT me with #RobPattinson 3 years ago.

Vous souvenez vous? C'était à New York devant l’hôtel Waldorf où Rob tournait la pub pour Dior. Rien n'était encore officiel concernant son partenariat avec la marque, et nous étions dans le flou total, mais ce jour là nous avions eu notre première preuve grâce à ces fans qui avaient eu l'info et l'attendaient en bas de l’hôtel. Plus de photos ICI et des vidéos ICI

Do you remember this? It was in New York at the Waldorf Hotel where Rob shot his commercial for Dior. At the time nothing was official about its partnership with the brand, and we were in a total blur, but that day we had our first proof thanks to these fans who had the info and were waiting at the hotel. More pictures HERE and videos HERE.


jeudi 28 mai 2015

Great Read about Rob's Career: "Robert Pattinson: A Talent For The Unexpected"

From Top 10
A movie star with swashbuckling good looks might suggest Twilight’s Robert Pattinson is just one of many Hollywood commodities, but beneath the surface, you’ll find far more substance in this talented Brit.

Adored by his committed fans and praised by critics, Robert Pattinson is a “pretty boy” with a talent that matches his appealing good looks. A childhood model from the age of 12, Pattinson quickly became a film star after his appearance as Cedric Diggory, alongside Daniel Radcliffe, in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Unfairly ignored by those thinking of him only as “that guy from those vampire movies”, Pattinson proved that Twilight, while winning him favour with audiences across the world enamoured by the gothic, Romeo and Juliet-style romance of the Twilight series, only highlighted a small proportion of his acting talent.

Indeed, Robert Pattinson is so much more than the pale-faced vampire who courted Kristen Stewart both on and off screen. His diverse film roles alone offer proof that this London-born actor has a keen eye for character and an even better understanding of the difference between a good script and an average one.

Perhaps what’s most appealing about Pattinson within his movie work is his courage to experiment. After Twilight you’d forgive him for pursuing similarly commercial roles – the sort guaranteed to gain favour from his core group of younger fans – but he hasn’t done that. In fact, he appears to have sacrificed “safe” projects for far more demanding films.

While you may argue the adoration aimed at his celebrity lifestyle and private romances is keeping his profile primed within mainstream media, his choice of work, particularly his recent projects with the distinctly un-mainstream David Cronenberg in Cosmopolis and Maps to the Stars, have hardly deterred his devoted followers.

Take for example Rey in David Michôd’s The Rover. A far cry from the milky-white skin of his former vampire persona, Pattinson is grizzled and bloodied here in a performance widely praised. Kenneth Turan of The Los Angeles Times called the actor a “revelation”, describing Rey as a “damaged, unfocused individual who is the older man’s half-unwilling accomplice.”

Todd McCarthy, writing for The Hollywood Reporter, clearly saw an actor determined to shed pretty boy baggage in favour of edgier, riskier, far less superficial roles. “Pattinson delivers a performance that, despite the character’s own limitations, becomes more interesting as the film moves along, suggesting that the young actor might indeed be capable of offbeat character work.”

This sentiment was echoed by Ryan Pollard in his review for Top 10 Films. “Robert Pattinson is really coming into his own as an actor, after having landed fascinating roles since the Twilight years, and recently excelling in David Cronenberg’s striking Maps to the Stars. Here, Pattinson [is] perfectly able to play someone who’s slightly crazy and dangerous, yet somewhat sympathetic and tragic underneath.”

Partly because of the Twilight saga coming to an end, but also due to the actor’s boldness, it took until 2010 until I really saw anything of note from Robert Pattinson. That film was 2010’s Remember Me, a maudlin drama with a much criticised ending that unsurprisingly split audiences. In terms of the film as a whole, I found myself siding with those critics that saw merit in the taut, high-strung drama. I agreed with Roger Ebert when he said: “I cared about the characters. I felt for them. Liberate them from the plot’s destiny, which is an anvil around their necks, and you might have something.”

But most importantly for Pattinson, it was a film without the “anvil” of Twilight around his neck, a moment to shine outside the murky, gothic waters of vampire lore. He takes the opportunity with due confidence. Kirk Honeycutt of The Hollywood Reporter stated that the “scenes between Pattinson and de Ravin exude genuine charm,” while Peter Rainer of the Christian Science Monitor noted the “explosive sequences between Pattinson and Pierce Brosnan.”

Despite the film’s lacklustre appeal amongst audiences and critics, it identified Pattinson as an actor of real promise; someone who could apply himself to different types of characters without his much documented private life taking the gloss off the performance.

His work with auteur David Cronenberg has cemented his claim to be one of Hollywood’s most valuable assets – both in terms of the commercial product, and his skill in front of the camera.

Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly said Pattinson was “pale and predatory even without his pasty-white vampire makeup”, delivering his performance with “rhythmic confidence.” The Telegraph newspaper’s Robbie Collin was equally impressed, saying that at the film’s heart is a “sensational central performance from Robert Pattinson”, who plays his character “like a human caldera; stony on the surface, with volcanic chambers of nervous energy and self-loathing churning deep below.” Similarly, Justin Chang spoke of Pattinson’s excellent performance being an indispensable asset of the movie.

Even in his supporting role in Cronenberg’s following film Maps to the Stars, the critics singled him out for praise with Mark Kermode particularly noting his “nicely underplayed” performance.
Pattinson is a man whose intelligence perhaps belies his formative years played out in the limelight of celebrity. Cronenberg talks of Pattinson’s intelligence as an actor, his ability to recognise the nuances of character, and understand why the director wants to do things a certain way. “He’s very well-read, and very well-versed in cinema – which I’m not sure his fans know,” he said.

Most importantly, Cronenberg says it best when he highlights how he feels Pattinson is unfairly underrated “because of the stiffness and silliness of Twilight and those characters in it.” The writer-director has witnessed first-hand not only the actor’s determination to spread his wings but someone who isn’t getting caught up in the excesses of celebrity.

“Seeing other work that he had done and seeing that he was a serious actor and looking for challenges, and wasn’t trying to ‘manage his image’ as a star, was attractive to me,” said Cronenberg in his interview with The Daily Beast. “Of course, being such a big celebrity is helpful because it will help your film get financed, but the charisma that made him work so well as Edward Cullen is something you want in a movie like Cosmopolis where he’s in every scene in the movie. You need someone who’s infinitely watchable.”

Rebecca Murray, Hollywood movies expert for addressed the question of Twilight’s baggage and Pattinson’s consequent career head on when she interviewed Cronenberg about Cosmopolis.

“You have to have a leading character who is very charismatic and who can carry the weight and has the star quality and so on, because you’re going to be looking at him. He’s literally in every scene in the movie, and that’s pretty unusual,” remarked Cronenberg. “Even in Tom Cruise movies, Tom is not in absolutely every scene of the movie – but Rob is. So he has to have that. But at the same time, you want to forget his movies and my movies because we’re creating this completely new thing and you don’t know what audience you’re going to get. You can anticipate it, you can think about it, but really you don’t know.

“So ultimately when you’re making the movie you’re saying, ‘Okay, I’m here with these actors. They’re wonderful actors, I cast them because they’re terrific and they will bring great stuff to the script,’ and then at that point you’re just making a movie and you’re not thinking about any other movie.”

It might be surprising that Robert Pattinson hasn’t gone “off the rails” having achieved fame at a young age and had to endure the invasive eye of the tabloid press for most of his young adult life. But here is a man whose intelligence perhaps belies his formative years played out in the limelight of celebrity. Cronenberg talks of Pattinson’s intelligence as an actor, his ability to recognise the nuances of character, and understand why the director wants to do things a certain way. “He’s very well-read, and very well-versed in cinema – which I’m not sure his fans know,” he said.

He’s also far more selfless than many of his peers. His work for various charities dates back to the late 2000s when he supported the ECPAT UK’s campaign Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People to stop human trafficking. The following year he donated his own artwork to PACT which auctioned on eBay, to help the organisation working for missing children. He also donated a sketch, drawn by himself, called Unfinished City which raised $6,400 for an Arizona based homeless centre.

In subsequent years he has participated in a number of initiatives to raise cancer awareness including auctioning items of his own to raise money for various charities.

If that wasn’t enough, the multi-talented Brit has also composed music which has gone on to appear in his movies. Skilled at both piano and guitar, he co-wrote and sang Never Think for the Twilight soundtrack and also played guitar on the Death Grips song “Birds”. The actor has quipped: “Music is my back-up plan if acting fails.

It’s the teen fandom, beguiling boyish good looks, English charm, and multi-million dollar fantasy franchise versus a cinematic intelligence and diverse acting range, selfless attitude and philanthropic endeavour, that makes Robert Pattinson a “talent for the unexpected”. Here is a man who’s the polar opposite of someone like Justin Bieber – all packaged, manufactured and commodified. Pattinson’s a genuine talent – a Hollywood good-guy whose success so far is just the tip of the iceberg.

Love this! :)

'The Rover': New-Old Portraits of Robert Pattinson by Jana Cruder for the L.A. Promo (06/2014)

'The Rover': Nouveaux-Anciens Portraits de Robert Pattinson par Jana Cruder lors de la Promo à L.A (06/2014)

La plus grande partie est nouvelle, certaines sont maintenant sans tags
Most are new, and a few are now untagged

image host image host

image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host

Thanks to the source

Toutes les photos de ce shooting ici
All the pictures from this photoshoot here

mardi 26 mai 2015

'Maps to the Stars' by David Cronenberg with Robert Pattinson Tonight on French Tv

'Maps To The Stars' de David Cronenberg avec Robert Pattinson ce Soir sur Canal +

Vous avez rendez vous avec Jerome Fontana ce soir à 20h55 sur Canal +

vendredi 22 mai 2015

'Brimstone': Director Martin Koolhoven Clarified Things Regarding the Release of his Film in May 2016

'Brimstone': Le Réalisateur Martin Koolhoven a Clarifié les Choses Concernant la Sortie de son Film en Mai 2016

Apparemment certains médias auraient commencé à un peu trop spéculer sur une sortie du film 'Brimstone' pour mai 2016, et Martin Koolhoven ‏a souhaité remettre les choses au clair.

It seems some media have begun to speculate too much on a 'Brimstone' release  for May 2016, and Martin Koolhoven wanted to set things straight.

@MartinKoolhoven: Je lis qu'il est prévu que #BrimstoneMovie sorte en Mai 2016 dans les médias, mais ça me semble trop juste. #enaucuncas

With Google Translation: @MartinKoolhoven: I read that it is intended that #BrimstoneMovie will be ready for May 2016, on some sites, but that seems very stiff. #nowayhose
@RKMovieNews: Le réalisateur Martin Koolhoven précise que BRIMSTONE ne sera PAS prêt pour Mai 2016. Il semblerait que certains ait été mal informés.
Réponse: @MartinKoolhoven: Il pourrait peut être être prêt, mais cela ne signifie pas qu'il sortira à cette date. Pour le moment rien n'est défini.
Rappelons que le tournage n'a même pas encore débuté.
Recall that the shooting has not even begun.

@ChristinaOdia: MartinKoolhoven, j'attends Brimstone avec impatience. Est ce un secret ou bien puis je demander combien de temps le tournage durera t-il?
Réponse: @MartinKoolhoven: Il se tournera en deux parties. Un premier tournage cet été et un autre cet hiver.

Merci pour ces quelques précisions Mr Koolhoven.
Thanks for the clarification Mr Koolhoven.

Traduction Pattinson Art Work

Here's the Video of Rob's Sketch for the 'Red Nose Day'

Voici la Vidéo du Sketch de Rob pour le 'Red Nose Day' (le 'Jour du Nez Rouge')

L'émission a été diffusée cette nuit (heure française), le 21 Mai, sur la chaine NBC. Le sketch de Rob débute à 2mn10 et c'est un (assez dangereux) voiturier !! Mais il est quand même très mignon !
Il y avait vraiment beaucoup d'anglais mobilisés pour cette cause ! :)

 The show was aired this night (May 21th) on NBC. Rob's Sketch at  2:10, and he's a (pretty dangerous) valet !! But he's really cute!
There were also a lot of Britishs involved in the project ! :)


Pour en apprendre plus sur le 'Red nose Day' cliquez ICI.
Et Cliquez ICI si vous souhaitez aider et faire un don pour une autre belle cause soutenue par Rob.

If you want to learn more about the 'Red Nose Day', click HERE.
And Click HERE if you want to help and donate for another great cause supported by Rob. 

Video Via

mercredi 20 mai 2015

New Pictures of Rob at FKA Twigs Concert in Brooklyn (May 19th)

Nouvelles Photos de Rob au Concert de FKA Twigs à Brooklyn (19 Mai)

Update: Ajout de 2 Photos HQ / Added 2 HQ Pictures
Update 2 : Ajout de 2 photos de fans à la fin du post / Added 2 fan pictures at the bottom of the post

image host image host

Légende : J'ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer #RobertPattinson!#Twilight #fortesecurity #topflight
Caption : Had the pleasure of meeting #RobertPattinson!#Twilight #fortesecurity #topflight

Légende : Avec le frérot c'est fou que nous soyons jumeaux d'anniversaire !
Caption With the Brodi so mad that we have the same birthday twinning and ishhh!

Légende : La nuit dernière au concert de @fkatwigs #fkatwigs avec #robertpattinson. J'ai l'air bizarre je sais lol
Caption : Last night at @fkatwigs #fkatwigs concert with#robertpattinson. I look weird i know lol

Sources Fan pics: 1|2|3|4|5|6
Source HQ / Via 

mardi 19 mai 2015

Surprise! New Picture and Video of Rob For Charity Event 'Red Nose Day'

Surprise! Nouvelle Photo et Vidéo de Rob pour l’Événement Caritatif 'Red Nose Day' (Le Jour du Nez Rouge)

Update : Ajout d'une courte vidéo trop mignonne à la fin du post ! / Added a short cute video at the bottom of the post!

Caption: Filming for @rednosedayUS - I know who i would.

Red Nose Day est un événement caritatif télévisé qui est programmée pour ce Jeudi 21 Mai à 3h du matin pour la France sur NBC. Nous pouvons espérer y voir Rob!

Qu'est ce que le Red Nose Day (La journée du Nez Rouge)?
Le Red Nose Day est une campagne dont l'objectif est de collecter de l'argent pour les enfants et les jeunes qui vivent dans la pauvreté, en utilisant le rire pour faisant sourire les gens. L'inauguration du Red Nose Day aux US se fera le 21 Mai 2015. Des personnes à travers le pays vont se réunir pour s'amuser, récolter des fonds et sensibiliser l'audimat. Les événements du jour s'achèveront avec une soirée spéciale de 3 heures  sur NBC avec les comédiens, musiciens et star hollywoodienne préférés du pays — c'est un show à ne pas rater! Rejoingnez la fête et commencer à réflechir à la façon dont vous pouvez soutenir le Red Nose Day dans votre communauté! C'est vraiment facile et il y a plein de façons d'aider. Jetez un oeil à notre page de collecte de dons !

Cliquez ICI si vous souhaitez aider et faire un don pour une autre belle cause soutenue par Rob.

Rob est généreux :) Toujours


Red Nose Day is a televised charity event that will air this Thursday, May 21st at 8pm on NBC. So we can expect to see Rob!

What is Red Nose Day?
Red Nose Day is a campaign dedicated to raising money for children and young people living in poverty by simply having fun and making people laugh. The inaugural Red Nose Day will be held in the US on May 21st, 2015. People across the country will come together to have fun and raise funds and awareness. The day's events will culminate in a three-hour entertainment TV special on NBC featuring the country's favorite comedians, musicians and Hollywood stars—it's a show not to be missed! Join in the fun and start planning how you can help support Red Nose Day in your community! It's so easy and the opportunities are endless. Check out our Fundraising page for ideas!

Click HERE if you want to help and donate for another great cause supported by Rob. 

Generous Rob :) Always

Update >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

La vidéo la plus mignonne qui soit :) / The cutest video ever :)

Légende : Robert Pattinson se rallie à la cause du #RedNose Day ! Rejoignez le le 21 Mai sur NBC.
Caption : Robert Pattinson jumps on board for #RedNose Day! Join him May 21 at 8/7c on NBC.

Traduction: Rob : Le "Red Nose Day" arrive le 21 mai sur NBC.


Video :  Source Via 

'Brimstone' : Martin Koolhoven Talks about the Movie with 'Filmpje Kijken' at "De Surprise" Premiere

'Brimstone' : Martin Koolhoven Parle du Film avec 'Filmpje Kijken' lors de l'Avant Première du Film "De Surprise"


Question : Quand allez vous commencer le tournage?
Réponse : Mi juin je débuterai le tournage, oui.

Q : Vous voulez dire le 15 juin ?
R : oui, le 15 juin, c’est le premier jour de tournage, oui.

Q : Vous allez commencer un lundi ?
R : Nous allons commencer un lundi, oui.

Q : Où ?
R : Je n’ai pas envie de le dire, c’est un secret. Non, vous savez après je vais avoir tous ces fans de Pattinson sur le dos. Je n’ai pas envie de ça.

Q : Vous pouvez tourner à Amsterdam ?
R : Oui, je vais tourner à Amsterdam.

Q : Nous connaissons maintenant quatre acteurs qui seront dans le film. Y a-t-il plus que vous pouvez nous révéler?
R : Je ne sais pas si je peux vous révéler ça, je n’ai pas demandé. Il y en a d’autres.

Q : Donnez nous en un.
R : Hummmmmm…dois je le dire ?  Oui…Jack Roth, mais maintenant j’en connais qui vont être furieux après moi.

Q : Filez vite à l’intérieur.
R : Bye.

Traduction Pattinson Art Work / English Translation after the cut

HQ Pictures of Robert Pattinson at the 'Heaven Knows What' After-Party in New York (May 18)

Photos HQ de Robert Pattinson à l'After-Party de 'Heaven Knows What' à New York (18 Mai)

Update: Ajout de Photos HQ / Added HQ Pictures 

Toutes les photos après la coupure / All the pictures after the cut

Gorgeous New HQ Pictures & Video of Robert Pattinson at the 'Heaven Knows What' Premiere in New York (May 18)

Superbes Nouvelles Photos HQ & Vidéo de Robert Pattinson à l'Avant-Première de 'Heaven Knows What' Premiere à New York (18 Mai)

Update: Ajout de photos HQ / Added HQ pictures

Détails via la source:  "Robert Pattinson, les réalisateurs Benny Safdie et Josh Safdie et Buddy Duress ses sont rendus à l'avant-première New Yorkaise de 'Heaven Knows What' au Cinéma Celeste Bartos Theater du MOMA le 18 Mai 2015 à New York." Plus concernant 'Heaven Knows What' ici.

Details from the source:  "Robert Pattinson, directors Benny Safdie and Josh Safdie and Buddy Duress attend the 'Heaven Knows What' New York Premiere at the Celeste Bartos Theater at the Museum of Modern Art on May 18, 2015 in New York City." More about 'Heaven Knows What' here.

Toutes les photos après la coupure / All the pictures after the cut

dimanche 17 mai 2015

Sienna Miller Mentions her Friendship with Robert Pattinson with ELLE Italy

Sienna Miller Mentionne son Amitié avec Robert Pattinson avec ELLE Italie

Via ELLE Italie:
J'ai grandi avec une sœur extraordinaire, Savannah, une excellente styliste. J'ai une complicité naturelle, toujours franche avec les femmes que je connais et je suis une amie sincère avec hommes: Robert Pattinson, par exemple, est vraiment une personne pleine de potentiel et très sincère et il reste très anglais, même s'il a choisit de vivre en Amérique.
From ELLE Italy:
I grew up with an extraordinary sister, Savannah , an excellent fashion designer. I have a natural complicity, always frank with the women I know and I am a sincere friend of men: Robert Pattinson, for example, is really a person full of potential and very sincere and remains very English but choses to live in America.

English translation via Google translation / Via / Traduction Pattinson Art Work

samedi 16 mai 2015

FKA Twigs Mentions her Relationship with Rob in an Interview with The New York Times

FKA Twigs Mentionne sa Relation avec Rob lors d'une Interview avec le New York Times

Via NY Times:
Mlle Barnett, 27 ans, fait de plus en plus, et ça la consterne, partie du monde des tabloids en tant que petite amie de l'acteur de “Twilight” Robert Pattinson et en tant que muse dans la mode qui s'est rendue au Met Gala avec lui et le styliste Christopher Kane, habillée d'une robe qui a beaucoup fait parler.
Mlle Barnett aime dire qu'elle “fait semblant d'être une pop star,” tout en étant aspirée dans le vortex de “Twilight,” avec tout les photographes partout dans le monde rapportant en détails sa relation avec Mr. Pattinson. “C'est vraiment dur — Je ne peux pas expliquer combien c'est horrible,” dit elle. “Ça vous donne envie de tout arrêter des fois. Ça vous donne envie de vous frapper la tête contre le mur.”

Le pire sont les insultes raciales — elle est métisse — sur Twitter et Instagram, dont certaines viennent de fans hardcores de Mr. Pattinson. “C'est en continu,” dit elle. Elle insiste sur le fait que l'attention qu'amène leur relation ne l'aide pas professionnellement. “Il n'y a pas de chansons que je puisse chanter ou de danses que je puisse danser qui leur prouvera que je ne suis pas un singe.”

“Je n'imaginais pas du tout ma vie comme ça,” dit Mlle Barnett concernant les événements récents. “Mais ça en vaut la peine. Je suis tellement heureuse.”

Elle est également convaincue que cette surveillance incessante n'affectera pas sa créativité. "Rien ne peut affecter mon travail ou m'empêcher de dire les choses d'une certaine manière ou de créer une image de la façon dont je le souhaite," dit-elle.

Cela inclut la robe de Christopher Kane qu'elle portait au Met Ball, avec des figures nues dessinées et mélangées rappelant ses chorégraphies: "Tout le monde a dit, 'Oh, regardez, il y a un pénis', dit-elle. "Moi je n'y pensais pas. Je suis naïve. Je me suis dit 'Je porte une œuvre d'art!"

Mais plutôt que de se cacher face à l'attention pesante, Mlle Barnett est provocatrice. Juste avant ses répétitions cette semaine, elle a retrouvé M. Pattinson dans un coin de rue de Chelsea en plein jour, pas de SUV aux vitres teintées en vue, et est reparti avec lui avec une main autour de sa taille.
Traduction Pattinson Art Work

English version after the cut

vendredi 15 mai 2015

'Brimstone': A Shooting Start Scheduled on June 15 according to Screendaily + Shooting Locations & More Distributors

'Brimstone': Un Début de Tournage Prévu le 15 Juin d'après Screendaily, Lieux de Tournage  et un Distributeur pour la France

Via  Screendaily:
Brimstone, le futur thriller du réalisateur-scénariste Martin Koolhoven (Winter in Wartime), avec Mia Wasikoswka (Maps to the stars), Guy Pearce (The Hurt Locker), Robert Pattinson (la Saga Twilight) et Carice van Houten (Black Book), a conclu des accords importants et gagné de nouveaux financements avant le tournage prévu le 15 Juin. 
Parmi les pré-ventes a conclure pour Embankment Films il y a l'Allemagne (Koch Media) et la France (The Jokers Films) ...
... Le Film se tournera en Roumanie, Espagne et Allemagne. ...
 Traduction Pattinson Art Work


From  Screendaily:
Writer-director Martin Koolhoven’s (Winter in Wartime) upcoming thriller Brimstone, starring Mia Wasikowska (Maps to the Stars), Guy Pearce (The Hurt Locker), Robert Pattinson (Twilight Saga) and Carice van Houten (Black Book), has closed key deals and added finance ahead of its June 15 shoot.
Among pre-sales to close for Embankment Films are Germany (Koch Media) and France (The Jokers Films) with savvy French outfit Back-Up Media and Holland’s N279 Entertainment arranging financing on the film with London-based New Sparta Films and Filmwave. 

Uwe Schott (Cloud Atlas, Amour) of X-Filme, Els Vandevorst (Winter in Wartime) of N279 and Belgium’s Prime Time will produce.
In Brimstone, Wasikowska will play a heroine on the run from her past, chased by a diabolical preacher played by Pearce. Set in the American West, Paterson is set to play an outlaw.
The film will shoot in Romania, Spain and Germany. DoP is Rogier Stoffers (School of Rock) and editor will be Jobter Burg (Black Book).
UK outfit Embankment handles international rights. CAA and WME are representing the US sale.


Fantastic News! We All Raised $16,645 for Rob's birthday! And the Winners of Our Giveaway Are ...

C'est Génial! Nous Avons Tous Réunis 16,645$ pour l'Anniversaire de Rob! Et les Gagnants de Notre Concours Sont ...

C'est tout simplement génial! Nous avons réunis 16,645 dollars pour l'anniversaire de Rob! Nous sommes réellement très heureux du soutien obtenu pour ce projet  et de cet argent que nous avons tous réunis pour ces enfants de School of Hope mais aussi pour aider les victimes du tremblement de terre au Népal. Nous sommes tellement fiers de ce que les fans peuvent accomplir tous ensemble. Merci à vous tous qui avez fait un don à @thegocampaign ou aidé à partager le projet anniversaire de Rob! Nous sommes vraiment fiers de vous! Merci pour votre soutien à Rob. Et merci beaucoup aux filles de @RobPBirthdayPro qui ont fait un travail merveilleux pour organiser et diffuser ce projet d'anniversaire! Nous devons ce succès à votre persévérance. Bravo!
Et les deux gagnants de notre concours sont:

- Anne Stauffer gagne le magazine Première
- Roulia Zyxzix gagne le magazine Variety 

Merci d'avoir fait un don à The Go Campaign et de votre soutien à Rob! Envoyez nous votre adresse postale à l'adresse suivante pour recevoir votre magazine: 


Amazing news! We raised $16,645 for Rob's birthday! So happy with the support this project got and with this money we all raised for these kids at School of Hope and also to help the earthquake victims in Nepal. So proud of what fans can accomplish together. Thanks to all of you who have made a donation to @thegocampaign or helped to share the Rob's Birthday project! We are really proud of you! Thanks for your support to Rob. And thanks very much to the ladies at @RobPBirthdayPro who did a wonderful job with organizing and spreading this birthday project! We owe this success to your perseverance. Bravo!

And the 2 winners of our giveaway are:

- Anne Stauffer wins Premiere magazine
- Roulia Zyxzix wins Variety magazine

Thank you for making a donation to The Go Campaign and for supporting Rob! Send us your postal address to the following address
to receive your magazine:

jeudi 14 mai 2015

New Great Picture of Rob with a Fan in NYC (May 13th)

Nouvelle Super Photo de Rob avec une Fan à New York (13 mai)

Légende  : Un jour avec mon pote Robert Pattinson ce matin dans le centre ville de New York près de Soho.
Caption : A day with Bud Robert Pattinson this morning in NYC downtown near Soho.

mercredi 13 mai 2015

New-Old Picture of Rob at Vanity Fair & Armani Party in Cannes from May 2014

Nouvelle-Ancienne Photo de Rob lors de la Soirée Vanity Fair et Armani à Cannes en Mai 2014

Légende: Bon anniversaire Robert Pattinson #robertpattinson
Caption: Happy birthday Robert Pattinson #robertpattinson


Happy Birthday Rob! Discover Two Great Videos Made by the Talented Verena & Dreaming of Rob

Joyeux Anniversaire Rob! Découvrez Deux Super Vidéos Réalisées par les Talentueuses Verena & Dreaming of Rob

Happy 29th Birthday Rob! Here are 29 Reasons Why We Love and Support Rob:

Joyeux 29ème Anniversaire Rob! Voici 29 Raisons pour Lesquelles Nous Aimons et Soutenons Rob:

Nous te souhaitons un très bon anniversaire Rob! Nous te souhaitons tout le bonheur que tu mérites et que tes rêves se réalisent! Merci pour tout et surtout pour l'homme que tu es! Nous sommes des fans fiers de l'acteur que nous soutenons!
 We wish you a very Happy Birthday Rob! We wish you all the happiness you deserve and that your dreams come true! Thanks for everything and and especially for the man you are! We are proud fans of the actor we support! 

Voici 29 raisons pour lesquelles nous aimons et soutenons le talentueux, drôle, plein d'esprit, beau, sexy et plein de surprises Robert Pattinson! Et pourquoi nous sommes fiers d'être ses fans! L'acteur, le musicien et l'homme: 
Here are 29 reasons why we love & support the talented, funny, witty, handsome, sexy and full of surprises Robert Pattinson! And why we are proud to be his fans! The actor, the musician, the man:

mardi 12 mai 2015

'Queen Of The Desert' gets US Distributor & will be Released in Late September 2015

'Queen Of The Desert' a trouvé un Distributeur US et Sortira Fin Septembre 2015 aux États Unis

Director Werner Herzog's Queen of the Desert starring Nicole Kidman and James Franco has been picked up by Atlas Distribution Co., marking the first time the entity will distribute a movie without Atlas Shrugged in the title. 
Queen of the Desert tells the true story of Gertrude Bell, played by Kidman, who was a British spy, an archaeologist and more at the turn of last century and ended up playing a major role in establishing the modern state of Iraq. She wielded an enormous amount of power for a woman of her era. 
Atlas Distribution was founded by John Aglialoro and Harmon Kaslow to distribute their trio of Atlas Shrugged movies, and they said a year ago they'd keep the company intact, infuse it with $25 million and release more films. 
Queen of the Desert is the first in that effort, and it is planned for release in late September on a 1,000 screens. 
The Atlas Shrugged movies, of course, were based on Ayn Rand's novel of the same name that is infused with individualistic themes that Kaslow says are present in Queen of the Desert as well. 
"Gertrude Bell was a real-life Randian hero," Kaslow said. "This is exactly the type of film we hope to bring to the masses with Atlas Distribution -- an incredible heroine who thought for herself, took orders from no one and had a lasting impact on the world." 
The film also stars Robert Pattinson as T.E. Lawrence, a contemporary of Bell's who was immortalized in the 1962 epic film, Lawrence of Arabia. The movie is produced by Nick Raslan and Sierra/Affinity is handling international sales.

dimanche 10 mai 2015

"Robert Pattinson was Undoubtedly the Best-Dressed Man at this Year's Met Gala"

"Robert Pattinson était Sans Nul Doute l'Homme le Plus Élégant cette Année au Met Gala"

Via GQ:
"Le monochrome n'a pas besoin d'être "hué"

Alors que le pénis sur la robe signée Christopher Kane de sa fiancée a beaucoup fait parlé,
Robert Pattinson était sans nul doute l'homme le plus élégant cette année au Met Gala à New York. Pourquoi? Parce que son smoking Dior Homme était à la fois traditionnel et branché. En ayant tout simplement opté pour un nœud papillon plus moderne avec un smoking de forme classique, il se distingue clairement sur cet event 2015, sans avoir besoin d'utiliser de tactiques choc avec de la couleur ou un imprimé."

From GQ:
"Monochrome doesn't need to be "meh"

While the penis on his fiancee's Christopher Kane dress might have got the most column inches (no innuendo intended), Robert Pattinson was undoubtedly the best-dressed man at this year's Met Gala in New York. Why? Because his head-to-toe Dior Homme was equal parts traditional and trendy. Simply swapping out the bow tie for something more modern with a classically shaped dinner suit, keeps the whole get-up distinctly 2015 without the need for any shock tactics with colour or print."

Traduction Pattinson Art Work

samedi 9 mai 2015

'The Rover': Great New-Old Stills with Rob as Rey

'The Rover': Super Nouvelles-Anciennes Stills avec Rob dans la Peau de Rey

Update: Ajout de l'affiche japonaise / Added the japanese poster

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Affiche Japonaise / Japanese Poster

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Japanese Facebook page/ Via & Via

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