Screendaily annonce dans son article quotidien de l'AFM (Marché du film américain) que Rob et Benedict Cumberbatch joueront dans 'The Lost City of Z' dirigé par James Gray:
Screendaily reports on it's AFM's dailies that Rob and Benedict Cumberbatch will star in 'The Lost City of Z' directed by James Gray:
Details via la page IMDB de 'The Lost City Of Z':
Benedict Cumberbatch est listé comme jouant le rôle du Lieutenant Col. Percival FawcettEn 1925, Fawcett s'aventure en Amazonie pour découvrir une ancienne civilisation, en espérant faire l'une des découvertes les plus importantes de l'histoire. Pendant des siècles, les Européens pensaient que la plus grande jungle au monde cachait le royaume éclatant de l'El Dorado. Ils furent des milliers à périr en le cherchant, laissant de nombreux scientifiques persuadés que l'Amazonie était vraiment hostile aux humains. Mais Fawcett, dont les expéditions audacieuses ont inspiré le roman de Conan Doyle 'The Lost World', a passé des années à monter son projet scientifique. Captivant l'imagination de millions de personnes à travers le monde, Fawcett s'est embarqué avec son fils, déterminé à prouver que cette ancienne civilisation--qu'il a surnommé Z--existait. Puis son expédition a disparu.
Plus de Details via Deadline:
Le film est basé sur le bestseller de David Grann. Cumberbatch est en discussion pour jouer le rôle de Percy Fawcett, qui en 1925 est parti pour les profondeurs des jungles Amazoniennes du Brésil. Fawcett était là bas pour créer une carte de la jungle et entravé par le paludisme, il découvre une ville mythique qu'il a appelé The Lost City Of Z (La Ville Perdue de Z). Méprisé par ses pairs qui prétendaient que cet ancien royaume était une supercherie, Fawcett est retourné dans la jungle avec son fils où ils ont bravé des dangers tels que la maladie, les insectes, les serpents, les flèches empoisonnées et autres, afin de renforcer sa découverte. On a jamais revus aucun d'entre eux vivants et cela reste l'une des explorations les plus mystérieuses du 20ème siècle.
Plan B de Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner et Anthony Katagas (qui a travaillé avec Cumberbatch sur '12 Years A Slave') s'occupera de la production. Plan B développe ce projet depuis des années et au départ, il semblait que c'était Pitt qui devait initialement aller dans la jungle.
Details from the IMDB page for "The Lost City Of Z":
In 1925, Fawcett ventured into the Amazon to find an ancient civilization, hoping to make one of the most important discoveries in history. For centuries Europeans believed the world's largest jungle concealed the glittering kingdom of El Dorado. Thousands had died looking for it, leaving many scientists convinced that the Amazon was truly inimical to humans. But Fawcett, whose daring expeditions inspired Conan Doyle's The Lost World, had spent years building his scientific case. Captivating the imagination of millions round the globe, Fawcett embarked with his son, determined to prove that this ancient civilization--which he dubbed Z--existed. Then his expedition vanished.
More Details from Deadline:
The film is based on the David Grann bestselling book. Cumberbatch is in talks to play Percy Fawcett, who in 1925 headed into the depths of the Amazon jungles in Brazil. Fawcett was there to map the jungle and, hobbled by malaria, he discovered a mythical city he called The Lost City Of Z. Scorned by peers who claimed that this ancient kingdom was a fraud, Fawcett headed back into the jungle with his son and one other, braving the dangers of disease, insects, snakes, poison darts and other hazards to reinforce his discovery. None of them were ever seen again and it remains one of the great exploration mysteries of the 20th Century.
Plan B‘s Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner and Anthony Katagas (who worked with Cumberbatch on 12 Years A Slave) will produce. Plan B has been developing the project for several years, and it initially seemed like Pitt would be heading into the jungles.
Via Robsessed / Traduction Pattinson Art Work
And from ThePlaylist:
Last month when we chatted with director James Gray, he cautioned that the fate of his long developing "The Lost City Of Z" depended on how things panned out at this weeks American Film Market. He already put a good foot forward, landing Benedict Cumberbatch for a starring role in the film, and it hopefully this latest bit of casting can put it over the top.
Screen Daily reveals in their print issue from the floor of AFM, that Robert Pattinson is also on board the movie, that Panorama Media is financing and selling rights for as well. The movie is being produced by Brad Pitt's shingle Plan B (he was going to star in a previous iteration of the film before it fell apart at Paramount) and is an adaptation of David Grann's book tell the story of English soldier-turned-explorer Colonel Percy Harrison Fawcett, whose obsession with the Amazon and belief that an ancient civilization resided there led him on many expeditions where he narrowly escaped death. After financing eventually dried up, Fawcett self-funded one last adventure into the Amazon with his son, from which neither returned. We presume Cumberbatch will play Fawcett, and while there's no word yet on Pattinson's role, perhaps he'll play the son?
As for the tone of the picture, Gray had said to us he's aiming for the epic scale of David Lean but with a “slightly more hallucinogenic feel. Because [the protagonist] went to the jungle and sorta went mad.” So yes, fingers crossed this gets rolling in 2014.
Meanwhile, in case you were worried, Pattinson is still attached to Werner Herzog's "Queen Of The Desert." Recent trade reports about the movie notably didn't have his name among the cast of Nicole Kidman and Damian Lewis, but rest assured he'll be there. And 2014 spent working with Herzog and Gray? Nicely done, RPatz.
From The FilmStage:
While his name alone may bring up various connotations, if one solely looks at the talent alone Robert Pattinson has attached himself to in his post-Twilight career, it’s a wildly impressive resume. Including David Cronenberg, Anton Corbijn, Werner Herzog and David Michod, we now have another top-tier filmmaker to add to the list.
After Benedict Cumberbatch got set to lead James Gray‘s Lost City of Z, a Screen Daily issue at AFM (spotted by The Playlist) reveals that Robert Pattinson is also attached to the project. Described as a “slightly more hallucinogenic” David Lean picture by the director himself, it’s based on David Grann’s novel, which follows Col. Percy Fawcett (Cumberbatch) as he embarks on a 1925 expedition in Brazil to find the legendary city of gold known as El Dorado. Instead of returning with riches, he vanished and never returned at all
From The Wrap:
David Grann’s acclaimed book serves as the basis for the movie, which Brad Pitt is producing under his Plan B banner
Robert Pattinson will join Benedict Cumberbatch in James Gray’s “The Lost City of Z,” an individual familiar with the long-gestating project has told TheWrap.
Brad Pitt was initially attached to star in the adaptation of David Grann’s acclaimed book, though he’s now strictly producing the film through his Plan B banner along with Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner and Anthony Katagas.
“Lost City of Z” follows Percy Fawcett, a British colonial who disappeared in the 1920s while searching for a mythical city in the Amazon jungles of Brazil that he believed he discovered on a prior expedition.
Pattinson’s role remains unclear at this time.
Panorama Media will finance “Lost City of Z” and handle foreign sales.
"... il est temps d'admettre que Rpatz est incroyable. RT @ThePlaylist Robert Pattinson rejoint 'Lost City of Z' de James Gray"
"Tout ce qu'il a fait de sa renommée c'est de travailler avec Cronenberg et James Gray. Ce mec est en train de vivre le rêve"
"Cosmopolis est grandiose. RPatz est génial."
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