Scans Complets / Full Scans:
Source Scans thanks to @Gossipgyal
Traduction par le RPattzClub:
Los Angeles? 30 minutes avec Robert Pattinson? Oh oui s'il vous plaît!
à peine raccroché le téléphone que tout le groupe éditorial me donnait
des conseils sur les questions à lui poser, sur comment obtenir son
autographe ou mieux encore prendre une photo avec lui pour m'en vanter
plus tard. Mais les choses ne se font pas comme ça. Pour me préparer à
l'interview, j'ai dû regarder à nouveau les films de cette jeune star
et non seulement Robert Pattinson est Anglais (son côté anglais se voyait dès les tous premiers moments de notre rencontre) mais il fait aussi
attention à avoir une biographie presque parfaite.
Il est né en
banlieue de Londres, sa mère travaillait pour une agence de mannequin et
son père vendait des voitures vintages. Lui et ses sœurs y sont allés à
l'école jusqu'au jour où, il s'est intéressé au théâtre. Ce hobby anodin l'a
fait devenir plus tard acteur. Mais ce ne sont pas les pièces de
théâtre qui ont rendu Robert célèbre, mais un rôle dans lesquel, de
manière inattendue, il a incarné un nouvel héros en se mettant dans la
peau d'un mélancolique, un être agréable et au teint pâle, aux manières
raffinées et représentant d'une vague romantique britannique à l'opposé
des êtres à la force physique rude et brutale.
C'est exactement ce dont j'ai besoin - une conversation avec un bel intellectuel “Désolé, je suis un peu en retard mais j'ai dû aller chercher un truc à manger.
Dans les hôtels, je commande toujours la même salade César et un club
sandwich. Bref de la nourriture d'hôtel….” – il ajoute cela avec
un sourire désarmant et en même temps il ne sait pas s'il doit serrer ou
non ma main (un dilemme horrible pour un anglais – au top de la
politesse et du politiquement correct – si j'étais une féministe, il devrait la
serrer, si j'étais vieux jeu, je n'aimerais pas ça . Et il n'a aucune
idée de la façon dont on fait ces choses en Russie). Généralement il
sourit et rit beaucoup.
Le veille de la conférence de presse, la
nouvelle égérie de Dior portait un costume très élégant avec un col
roulé noir et il semblait parfaitement impeccable, ce qui ne l'a pas
empêché de blaguer avec le réalisateur barbu du spot publicitaire, Romain
Gavras. Aujourd'hui, il est habillé de manière plus simple – un jeans,
un T-shirt blanc et une chemise grise. Un casquette de baseball. “Oui c'est mon style, ce que vous voyez aujourd'hui. Je me sens à l'aise et libre et la liberté est très importante pour moi”. Il répond à mes questions sur ses préférences vestimentaires. “Actuellement j'ai des tas de choses à faire. Je cherche une nouvelle
maison et c'est devenu une réelle passion pour moi. Je regarde les
différentes offres sur internet et je vais d'une maison à l'autre en
voiture. C'est pourquoi je choisi des vêtements les plus simples et les
plus sûrs. J'adore les matins, pas tous les matins… c'est super quand
je ne dois pas me dépêcher de courir à droite et à gauche, quand le
soleil brille et je peux m'allonger et réfléchir à la journée qui m'attends, à
faire des projets, à comprendre que tout n'est qu'un début. Et je
ne fais jamais de sport ! Le sport le matin m'ennuie profondément. Mais
faire de la boxe le soir, ou même l'après midi est autre chose. Je fais
un peu de boxe et je vais essayer de continuer si j'ai assez de temps.”
Je me dis que c'est un drogué de travail.
Notre conversation dérive doucement sur le sujet du cinéma… Tourner pour
David Cronenberg…. Ses futurs projets. "Je
n'ai pas eu ce que vous appelez 'des vacances' depuis 7 ans. Ce serait
sympa de parfois oublier la réalité mais soyons honnête je ne me sens
pas vraiment fatigué. Je reviens de loin après un rôle de seconde classe dans 'L'anneau Sacré' jusqu'à 'Twilight' puis enfin le film de
Cronenberg 'Cosmopolis'. Et j'ai mis beaucoup d'efforts dans 'Water For
Elephants' et 'Bel Ami'. Tant que j'ai la motivation, le désir
d'aller de l'avant, de tenter de nouvelles choses, je ne veux pas
arrêter. J'ai eu de la chance car ce que je fais est à peine différent que de se reposer et vous devez tirer avantage de cette situation et ne
pas compter le nombres de jour où vous avez travaillé au bout du compte. Je ne
veux pas perdre tout ça. Vous me demandez ce qui me pousse à aller de
l'avant? La peur. La peur me fait me lever le matin et me dire 'Améliore toi, n'arrête pas, tu devrais tenter cette expérience'. Quand
vous vivez comme ça, de nouvelles opportunités arrivent tout le temps.
C'est ce qui est arrivé avec les parfums Christian Dior. Pour moi, faire
partie de cette pub, coopérer avec cette marque légendaire, est devenu
une toute nouvelle étape. C'est comme monter à un nouveau niveau. D'un
côté vous comprenez à quel point ils vous font confiance et d'un autre
côté, vous voulez apporter votre touche personnelle à cette histoire 'parfaite dans les moindres détails'. Le personnage de Dior Homme est
un vrai maître de sa vie, il crée des tendances, dicte ses conditions. A
mon âge, ceux sont des sentiments assez nouveaux (mais plaisants).
Mais j'ai beaucoup d'énergie et je suis prêt à la partager. Je suis prêt
à vivre 1000 vies : une image aujourd'hui, une autre demain. Je n'y
connais rien en parfum mais j'aime cette senteur”
je parviens à le faire parler de choses personnelles… (enfin, presque
personnelles). Robert parle ouvertement et avec beaucoup d'émotions, en évitant agilement les sujets sensibles, n'ajoutant pas de détails
dès que c'est possible. Pendant ces 30 minutes il sourit et réagit à mes
questions en rougissant. Je suis surprise qu'un homme qui rougit puisse
devenir acteur. C'est l'acteur le plus timide de tous ceux que j'ai pu interviewer ces 4 dernières années. Son côté attractif a une nature
complétement différente. Il n'y a rien d'impoli, d'indécent,
d'ouvertement dominateur chez lui. Même sa barbe de trois jours ne fait pas de
lui 'un vrai mec' (un macho?). En même temps, il est impossible
d'échapper à son incroyable charme. Il dégage de la douceur masculine,
du désir de comprendre, de la chaleur et du raffinement.
“Enfant, je voulais ressembler à mon père, être masculin, sage et fort” - Pattinson semble lire mes pensées
“Avec les années, les rêves sont devenus plus précis et je me suis dit
que je pourrais devenir un bon homme politique. Pourquoi? Car tout
semble être comme dans un bon jeu – négocier avec les gens, résoudre des
conflits, faire des discours. Si seulement vous saviez les discours
politiques que j'écrivais autrefois! A quels arguments j'avais recours!
Mon adversaire dans les débats était condamné dès le début ... puis je me
suis intéressé à la musique. Bien sûr je n'en vis pas
professionnellement comme le fait ma sœur Lizzy (elle a un groupe et
ses Cds sont ceux qui se vendent le plus au Royaume Uni) mais je le fais
encore sérieusement. Parfois, je me dis que dans une prochaine vie, je
serais obligatoirement un pianiste .
Imaginez: des plages de sable fin, moi
jouant sur un superbe piano. C'est tout moi. La musique n'est jamais
loin. Je joue du piano depuis que j'ai 4 ans et de la guitare depuis que
j'en ai 5. C'est pourquoi j'aime tant de genres de musiques différentes, de la Soul Music au Rock (“Le spot TV Dior Homme utilise “whole
lotta love” de Led Zeppelin). Le seul genre de musique où je ne suis
pas prêt de revenir c'est le Rap. Il y a toujours de la place pour 'si
ce n'est pas la musique, alors les voyages et les livres'. J'aime vivre
dans des hôtels, marcher dans les rues, aller dans des endroits où les
gens se retrouvent ensemble. Beaucoup de lieux ont une certaine
association dans mon esprit : New York c'est Brooklyn, Paris c'est la pluie
et un peu le froid (n'argumentez pas avec moi – ceux sont mes
associations!) Londres – une énorme quantité de Russes, La Russie Bulgakov
et Nabokov.“
Je serais honnête pour vous dire qu'à ce moment là,
j'ai pris l'initiative dans la conversation et celle ci est devenue une
lecture express sur l'histoire de la littérature Russe avec Robert me
posant constamment des questions et faisant des commentaires. Mais le
timing est le timing et j'ai dû poser la question principale: “ Quels principes sont vraiment importants pour vous dans la vie et y a t-il quelque chose que vous aimeriez changer?”
“Oh mes principes sont très simples: être honnête avec moi même, penser moins à ma petite personne et être sympa avec les gens. J'aimerais changer tant de choses : abandonnez les fast food et jouer de la musique sur la plage …. Vous vous en souvenez pas vrai ?“
“Oh mes principes sont très simples: être honnête avec moi même, penser moins à ma petite personne et être sympa avec les gens. J'aimerais changer tant de choses : abandonnez les fast food et jouer de la musique sur la plage …. Vous vous en souvenez pas vrai ?“
Translation Thanks to Christine via ROBsessed:
Los Angeles? 30 minutes with Robert Pattinson? Yes please!
I had hardly put down the receiver when the whole editorial group was giving me advice on what to ask him, how to get his autograph or better take a pic with him to brag about it later. But things are not done that way. To get ready for the interview I had to re-watch all the movies of the young star-and not only about Robert Pattinson is English-(his Englishness shows at the very first moment of our meeting)-and he takes care to have almost perfect biography.
He was born in the suburb of London,his mother worked at a model agency, father was a vintage car dealer. He and his sisters went to school where, one day, he got interested in theatre. This innocent hobby later turned him into an actor. But it was not plays that brought fame to Robert but his film roles in which he unexpectedly to himself-he showed a new hero-by depicting intelligent brooding, pleasant paleness, refined manners and vague british romanticism as opposed to rude physical strength and brutality.
That’s exactly what I need- a conversation with a handsome intellectual is one of my favourite genres. “Sorry I am a little late, but I had to grab a bite to eat. In hotels I always order the same the “caesar” salad and club sandwich. Such hotel food….” –he adds his disarming smile to these words at the same time not understanding whether to shake my hand or not (a terrible dilemma for an Englishman-at the turn of politeness and political correctness-if I am feminist, he should shake it, if I am old fashioned then I won’t like it. And he has no idea how we do these things in Russia) generally he smiles and laughs a lot.
The day before at the press conference the new face of Dior was dressed in strict elegant suit with black turtleneck and looked absolutely respectable, which did not prevent him from having banter with the blackbearded director of the ad Romain Gavras. Today he is dressed more casually-jeans, white tee, grey jumper. A baseball cap. “yes this is my style, what you see now. I feel comfortable and free, and I highly value freedom”- he answers my question about his preferences in clothing. “ now I have a lot of things to do- I am looking for a new house and this has become a real passion for me . I am looking at different offers on the internet and drive from one place to another. That’s why I choose the most habitual and safe clothes. I love mornings, not all mornings… it’s good when I don’t have to hurry anywhere, when the sun is shining and I can lie and think about the day, make plans.. understand that everything is just beginning.. Also I never exercise! Sport in the morning bores me. But boxing in the evening, or even in the afternoon is a different thing. I do box a little and I am going to keep it up if I have enough time .”
I think he is a workaholic. Our conversation slowly moves to the topic of cinema… Filming for David Cronenberg…. future plans..”I haven't had what you call a “holiday” for seven years. It would be nice to forget reality sometimes, but to be honest I don’t feel really tired. I have come a long way from a second rate part in the “ring of the nibelungs” through “Twilight” to Cronenberg’s “Cosmopolis”. And how much effort was put in “Water For Elephants” and “Bel Ami” . As long as you have drive, the desire to move forward ,try new things-I don’t want to stop at all. I got lucky because what I do is hardly different from resting, and you should take advantage of that and not count how many days you were working on end. I don’t want to lose all this. You are asking what drives me to move forward? Fear. Fear makes me get up in the morning and tells me “get better , don’t stop, you should experience this. When you live like this, new opportunities arise all the time. This is what happened with Christian Dior Parfums - for me , taking part in the ad, co operating with this legendary brand became a totally new stage. It is like moving to a new level. On the one hand you understand how much trust they put into you, on the other hand you want to bring something from yourself into this “perfected to the last detail” story. Dior Homme character is a real is a real master of his life, he creates trends, dictates his conditions. At my age these are quite new (but pleasant) feelings. But I have a lot of energy and I am ready to share it. I am ready to live thousand lives: one image today, another one tomorrow. I know nothing about the perfumes but I like this scent”
At times I do manage to talk to him about personal stuff… (well almost personal stuff). Robert speaks openly and very emotionally, skillfully avoiding sensitive issues, not adding details where it is possible. During those 30 minutes he smiles and reacts to my questions with blushes. I am surprised that a man who can blush became an actor. He is the shyest of all the actors I had to interview for the last 4 years. His attractiveness is of completely different nature- there is nothing rude, indecent, openly dominating about him. Even the stubble does not make him “ a real man” (macho?). At the same time it is impossible to evade his incredible charm. He oozes male gentleness, desire to understand, warmth and refinement.
“As a kid I wanted to be like my dad, to be as masculine, wise and strong” -Pattinson seems to be reading my thoughts- “with years , dreams became more specific, and I thought I could become a good politician. Why? Because everything seemed like a good game –negotiating with people, resolve conflicts, make speeches. If only you knew what political speeches used to write! What arguments I used to bring! My opponent in the debates was doomed right from the start...then I got interested in music. Of course I don’t do it as professionally as my sister Lizzy (she has her band and her Cds are bestselling records in UK) but I still take it quite seriously. Sometimes I think that in the next life I will definitely be a pianist.
Imagine: sandy beach-me playing on the grand piano.This is me. Music is always somewhere close.I have been playing the piano since I was four, and the guitar since I was 5. That’s why I like so many different genres in music-soul Rock (“Dior Homme films uses “whole lotta love” by Led Zeppelin-author) the only genre I am not ready to get back to is Rap. There is always place for 'if not music, then travelling and books'. I like living in hotels, walking in the streets, being at places where people gather. A lot of places have certain associations in my mind :New York-it’s Brooklyn, Paris-rain and a little cold, (and don’t argue with me –these are my associations!) London –huge number of Russians, Russia-Bulgakov and Nabokov.“
I will be honest that at that moment I took the initiative in the conversation and the conversation turned into an express lecture on the history of Russian literature with Robert constantly asking questions and making comments. But timing is timing and I had to ask the main question: “ what principles are really important for you in life and is there anything you would like to change?”
“Oh my principles are very simple-be honest with myself, think less about myself and be nice to people. I would like to change so many things-completely give up fast food and play music on the beach…. You remember , right ? "
I had hardly put down the receiver when the whole editorial group was giving me advice on what to ask him, how to get his autograph or better take a pic with him to brag about it later. But things are not done that way. To get ready for the interview I had to re-watch all the movies of the young star-and not only about Robert Pattinson is English-(his Englishness shows at the very first moment of our meeting)-and he takes care to have almost perfect biography.
He was born in the suburb of London,his mother worked at a model agency, father was a vintage car dealer. He and his sisters went to school where, one day, he got interested in theatre. This innocent hobby later turned him into an actor. But it was not plays that brought fame to Robert but his film roles in which he unexpectedly to himself-he showed a new hero-by depicting intelligent brooding, pleasant paleness, refined manners and vague british romanticism as opposed to rude physical strength and brutality.
That’s exactly what I need- a conversation with a handsome intellectual is one of my favourite genres. “Sorry I am a little late, but I had to grab a bite to eat. In hotels I always order the same the “caesar” salad and club sandwich. Such hotel food….” –he adds his disarming smile to these words at the same time not understanding whether to shake my hand or not (a terrible dilemma for an Englishman-at the turn of politeness and political correctness-if I am feminist, he should shake it, if I am old fashioned then I won’t like it. And he has no idea how we do these things in Russia) generally he smiles and laughs a lot.
The day before at the press conference the new face of Dior was dressed in strict elegant suit with black turtleneck and looked absolutely respectable, which did not prevent him from having banter with the blackbearded director of the ad Romain Gavras. Today he is dressed more casually-jeans, white tee, grey jumper. A baseball cap. “yes this is my style, what you see now. I feel comfortable and free, and I highly value freedom”- he answers my question about his preferences in clothing. “ now I have a lot of things to do- I am looking for a new house and this has become a real passion for me . I am looking at different offers on the internet and drive from one place to another. That’s why I choose the most habitual and safe clothes. I love mornings, not all mornings… it’s good when I don’t have to hurry anywhere, when the sun is shining and I can lie and think about the day, make plans.. understand that everything is just beginning.. Also I never exercise! Sport in the morning bores me. But boxing in the evening, or even in the afternoon is a different thing. I do box a little and I am going to keep it up if I have enough time .”
I think he is a workaholic. Our conversation slowly moves to the topic of cinema… Filming for David Cronenberg…. future plans..”I haven't had what you call a “holiday” for seven years. It would be nice to forget reality sometimes, but to be honest I don’t feel really tired. I have come a long way from a second rate part in the “ring of the nibelungs” through “Twilight” to Cronenberg’s “Cosmopolis”. And how much effort was put in “Water For Elephants” and “Bel Ami” . As long as you have drive, the desire to move forward ,try new things-I don’t want to stop at all. I got lucky because what I do is hardly different from resting, and you should take advantage of that and not count how many days you were working on end. I don’t want to lose all this. You are asking what drives me to move forward? Fear. Fear makes me get up in the morning and tells me “get better , don’t stop, you should experience this. When you live like this, new opportunities arise all the time. This is what happened with Christian Dior Parfums - for me , taking part in the ad, co operating with this legendary brand became a totally new stage. It is like moving to a new level. On the one hand you understand how much trust they put into you, on the other hand you want to bring something from yourself into this “perfected to the last detail” story. Dior Homme character is a real is a real master of his life, he creates trends, dictates his conditions. At my age these are quite new (but pleasant) feelings. But I have a lot of energy and I am ready to share it. I am ready to live thousand lives: one image today, another one tomorrow. I know nothing about the perfumes but I like this scent”
At times I do manage to talk to him about personal stuff… (well almost personal stuff). Robert speaks openly and very emotionally, skillfully avoiding sensitive issues, not adding details where it is possible. During those 30 minutes he smiles and reacts to my questions with blushes. I am surprised that a man who can blush became an actor. He is the shyest of all the actors I had to interview for the last 4 years. His attractiveness is of completely different nature- there is nothing rude, indecent, openly dominating about him. Even the stubble does not make him “ a real man” (macho?). At the same time it is impossible to evade his incredible charm. He oozes male gentleness, desire to understand, warmth and refinement.
“As a kid I wanted to be like my dad, to be as masculine, wise and strong” -Pattinson seems to be reading my thoughts- “with years , dreams became more specific, and I thought I could become a good politician. Why? Because everything seemed like a good game –negotiating with people, resolve conflicts, make speeches. If only you knew what political speeches used to write! What arguments I used to bring! My opponent in the debates was doomed right from the start...then I got interested in music. Of course I don’t do it as professionally as my sister Lizzy (she has her band and her Cds are bestselling records in UK) but I still take it quite seriously. Sometimes I think that in the next life I will definitely be a pianist.
Imagine: sandy beach-me playing on the grand piano.This is me. Music is always somewhere close.I have been playing the piano since I was four, and the guitar since I was 5. That’s why I like so many different genres in music-soul Rock (“Dior Homme films uses “whole lotta love” by Led Zeppelin-author) the only genre I am not ready to get back to is Rap. There is always place for 'if not music, then travelling and books'. I like living in hotels, walking in the streets, being at places where people gather. A lot of places have certain associations in my mind :New York-it’s Brooklyn, Paris-rain and a little cold, (and don’t argue with me –these are my associations!) London –huge number of Russians, Russia-Bulgakov and Nabokov.“
I will be honest that at that moment I took the initiative in the conversation and the conversation turned into an express lecture on the history of Russian literature with Robert constantly asking questions and making comments. But timing is timing and I had to ask the main question: “ what principles are really important for you in life and is there anything you would like to change?”
“Oh my principles are very simple-be honest with myself, think less about myself and be nice to people. I would like to change so many things-completely give up fast food and play music on the beach…. You remember , right ? "
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