Est-ce que le costume que portait Robert Pattinson dans le film a été fait sur mesure ou est-ce qu'un simple civil peut l'avoir aussi ?
Le costume que porte Eric dans le film test fait par Gucci : 'The Signoria', deux boutons à revers, en noir. Et oui c'est disponible pour les simples civils.
C'est un super costume. Quand vous l'avez choisi, comment avez vous su que c'était le bon ?
Les vêtements font l'homme. Le costume, la chemise blanche et la cravate fine noire, les chaussures et la ceinture (Le tout Gucci) ont aidé Rob à devenir Eric. Une fois que Rob était dans ses vêtements, je pouvais ressentir le personnage, et en le regardant complètement habillé durant les essayages, j'ai su que j'avais fait le bon choix. Et ça ne fait pas de mal qu'il porte le costume merveilleusement bien.
25 ans à habiller des acteurs m'a aidé à prendre une décision. Je savais que c'était le bon costume simplement en le regardant, avant même l'essayage avec Rob. La coupe et le tissu étaient superbes, c'est pourquoi je l'ai choisi.
Les rédacteurs de mode adorent parler du fait qu'on peut porter un costume de 3 ou 4 façons différentes; Rob donne un cours sur ce sujet dans le film. Comment chaque évolution (complètement habillé, sans la cravate, juste le pantalon et la chemise) relatent la progression d'Eric durant la journée ?
Après avoir lu le script et parlé au réalisateur, il était clair qu'Eric portait le costume tiré à 4 épingles et impeccablement stylisé au début. Mais alors que sa vie se disloque, ses vêtements aussi.
Je quitte toujours la pièce pour que l'acteur décide jusqu'où il veut que sa chemise soit déboutonnée, ou qu'il décide s'il veut porter une cravate, une veste ou non - tout ce qui peut l'aider à jouer la scène. Nous (David, Rob et moi) avons décidé qu'Eric ne devait jamais vraiment être mal habillé.
Lisez la suite de l'interview en cliquant sur 'Plus d'infos' / English version after the jump
Lisez la suite de l'interview en cliquant sur 'Plus d'infos' / English version after the jump
Il aurait essayé de garder la garde-robe après la fin du tournage. Est-ce que c'est déjà arrivé ?
Oui, des personne le font, ou essayent de ramener les vêtements chez eux durant et après un film. Rob a pris un de ses costumes (nous en avions 7), mais je lui ai demandé s'il en voulait un. Il a tellement de costumes qu'il n'en a pas besoin de plus.
Vous avez fait un super travail en habillant Rob pour le film. Quel conseil, voir plusieurs, lui donneriez vous pour s'habiller pour un tapis rouge ?
Ce n'est pas difficile d'habiller Rob et de le rendre incroyable. Il porte le costume si bien, et Gucci est fait pour lui. Mon conseil pour lui est de continuer à faire ce qu'il fait - porter du Gucci. Il ne peut pas se tromper.
Et qu'en est-il pour la vie de tout les jours ?
Derrière la caméra, Rob a l'air très décontracté, et ce sont ses goûts personnels. Il essaye également de se cacher, avec quelque chose comme une casquette, mais vraiment, c'est confortable. Ca ressemble à qui il est.
Was the suit Robert Pattinson wore in the film custom designed or can mere civilians get their hands on it, too?
The suit Eric wears in the film is by Gucci: the Signoria, two-button notch lapel, in black. It is definitely available to mere civilians.
It’s a great suit. When you picked it, how did you know this was the suit?
Clothes make the man. The suit, the white shirt and slim black tie, the shoes and belt (all by Gucci) helped Rob become Eric. Once Rob put the clothes on, I could feel the character, and looking at him completely dressed in the fitting, I knew I had made the right choice. And it doesn’t hurt that he wears suits beautifully.
Twenty-five years of dressing actors also helped in the decision. I actually knew it was the right suit just looking at it even before the fitting with Rob. The cut and fabric were beautiful, which is why I chose it.
Men’s style editors love to talk about wearing a suit three or four different ways; Rob’s teaching a master class on that in the film. How does each evolution (fully suited, sans tie, just the trousers and shirt) relate to Eric’s progression over the day?
After reading the script and talking to the director, it was clear that Eric wore the suit well pressed and impeccably styled in the beginning. But as his life started to unravel, his clothes would too.
I always leave room for the actor to decide just how far his shirt should be unbuttoned, or how he feels about a tie or no tie, a jacket or no jacket—whatever would help him play the scene. We (David, Rob, and I) decided Eric should never be too much of a mess.
We would have tried to take the wardrobe home after shooting wrapped. Does that ever happen?
Yes, people do take, or try to take, clothing home during and after a film. Rob did take one of his suits home (we had seven of them), but I asked him if he would like one. He has so many suits personally that he really doesn’t need any more.
You did one hell of a job dressing Rob for the film. What advice would you give him, if any, for dressing for the red carpet?
It’s not difficult to dress Rob and make him look terrific. He wears suits so well, and Gucci fits him so well. My advice to him is to keep doing exactly what he has been doing—wearing Gucci. You can’t go wrong.
And how about for daily life?
Rob's off-camera look is very relaxed, and it’s his personal taste. There’s also an element of trying to hide, with something like a baseball cap, but really, it’s comfortable. That’s who he is.
The suit Eric wears in the film is by Gucci: the Signoria, two-button notch lapel, in black. It is definitely available to mere civilians.
It’s a great suit. When you picked it, how did you know this was the suit?
Clothes make the man. The suit, the white shirt and slim black tie, the shoes and belt (all by Gucci) helped Rob become Eric. Once Rob put the clothes on, I could feel the character, and looking at him completely dressed in the fitting, I knew I had made the right choice. And it doesn’t hurt that he wears suits beautifully.
Twenty-five years of dressing actors also helped in the decision. I actually knew it was the right suit just looking at it even before the fitting with Rob. The cut and fabric were beautiful, which is why I chose it.
Men’s style editors love to talk about wearing a suit three or four different ways; Rob’s teaching a master class on that in the film. How does each evolution (fully suited, sans tie, just the trousers and shirt) relate to Eric’s progression over the day?
After reading the script and talking to the director, it was clear that Eric wore the suit well pressed and impeccably styled in the beginning. But as his life started to unravel, his clothes would too.
I always leave room for the actor to decide just how far his shirt should be unbuttoned, or how he feels about a tie or no tie, a jacket or no jacket—whatever would help him play the scene. We (David, Rob, and I) decided Eric should never be too much of a mess.
We would have tried to take the wardrobe home after shooting wrapped. Does that ever happen?
Yes, people do take, or try to take, clothing home during and after a film. Rob did take one of his suits home (we had seven of them), but I asked him if he would like one. He has so many suits personally that he really doesn’t need any more.
You did one hell of a job dressing Rob for the film. What advice would you give him, if any, for dressing for the red carpet?
It’s not difficult to dress Rob and make him look terrific. He wears suits so well, and Gucci fits him so well. My advice to him is to keep doing exactly what he has been doing—wearing Gucci. You can’t go wrong.
And how about for daily life?
Rob's off-camera look is very relaxed, and it’s his personal taste. There’s also an element of trying to hide, with something like a baseball cap, but really, it’s comfortable. That’s who he is.
Source / Traduction
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