lundi 21 novembre 2016

Soon a New Project for Rob with the French Director Houda Benyamina? "A lyrical and consuming love story"

Bientôt un Nouveau Projet pour Rob avec la Réalisatrice Française Houda Benyamina? "Une histoire d’amour lyrique et brûlante"

Il y a quelques mois, nous vous avions parlé ici de la réalisatrice Française Houda Benyamina ('Divines') qui souhaitait travailler avec Rob. Elle l'a maintenant rencontré et en raconte davantage sur son projet de film. Nous avons hâte de savoir si Rob travaillera avec elle. J'ai absolument adoré son film 'Divines'.

Via les Inrocks:
Houda Benyamina réfléchit à un film avec James Franco ou Robert Pattinson

(...) Houda Benyamina, encore inconnue des radars il y a huit mois, n’était pas venue à Los Angeles pour assurer uniquement le service après-vente de son film [Divines]. Désormais représentée par un agent américain, elle a aussi commencé activement la préparation de son prochain long-métrage, dont elle nous a confié les premiers détails. Il s’agira d’un film en costumes, situé dans une période de guerre, et qui racontera une histoire d’amour “lyrique et brûlante” entre une française et un jeune américain. Afin d’incarner ce dernier, la réalisatrice de 36 ans a déjà rencontré plusieurs acteurs, parmi lesquels James Franco et Robert Pattinson, qui auraient manifesté leur intérêt pour le projet. “Le casting avance mais on est encore à l’étape des rencontres, des discussions”, commente Houda Benyamina, qui dit vouloir rester fidèle à ses méthodes de tournage guérilla et intenses éprouvées sur Divines.
Ce n’est pas la première fois que les deux comédiens pressentis expriment leur désir pour le cinéma français. James Franco publie régulièrement des chroniques élogieuses sur les productions françaises pour le site IndieWire (il avait qualifié Mustang de “meilleur film de l’année 2015”), tandis que Robert Pattinson est déjà impliqué dans deux projets attendus de longs-métrages français (High Life de Claire Denis, dont le tournage devrait débuter sauf imprévu au printemps prochain, et Idol’s Eyes d’Olivier Assayas, pour l’instant suspendu faute de financements). (...)


A few months ago we told you here about the French director Houda Benyamina ('Divines') who wanted to work with Rob. She now met him and tells more about her movie project. Can't wait to know if Rob is going to work with her. I just loved her movie 'Divines'.

Houda Benyanmina is thinking about doing a movie with James Franco or Robert Pattinson
(...) Houda Benyanmina, who was still unknown eight months ago, didn't come to Los Angeles to promote her movie [Divines]. She has already started to work on her next movie, and she gave us the first details. It will be a period movie, which will take place during a war period and that will tell the "lyrical and consuming" love story between a French girl and a young American. The 36 years old director has already met several actors who could play the young American, among them James Franco and Robert Pattinson, who expressed their interest in the project. "We are working on the casting but we are only at the meeting stage, the talking”, says Houda Benyamina, who adds that she wants to stay faithful to her guerrilla and intense filming methods as she used during Divines.
It's not the first time both actors expressed their interest for French cinema. (...) Robert Pattinson is already involved in two French movie projects (‘High Life’ by Claire Denis, which filming is expected to start next Spring, and ‘Idol’s Eye’ by Olivier Assayas, currently suspended due to financial issues). (...)

Translation by Pattinson Art Work


Update >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

From The playlist:
You may not know the name Houda Benyamina, but you’re probably going to hear much more about her. The filmmaker made waves with her feature debut “Divines,” which won the Camera d’Or at Cannes, and was snapped up by none other than Netflix. The movie is now streaming on the service, and Hollywood has taken note, with the director landing an American agent, and it has allowed her to meet with some name brand actors about her next movie.
According to Les InRocks, James Franco and Robert Pattinson are among the actors that Benyamina has discussed her next project with. The untitled film is apparently a love story and costume drama set against the backdrop of war, but there’s no further details at the moment. It all seems pretty early on, and casting still down the line, but it speaks to the heat Benyamina has generated that she’s nabbing this kind of attention from Hollywood types.
We’ll keep an ear to the ground for more details, but until then, maybe spent some of Thanksgiving weekend catching up with “Divines” and seeing what all the fuss is about.

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