lundi 29 septembre 2014

David Cronenberg Mentionned Rob, 'Cosmopolis' and 'Maps To The Stars' in an Interview with The Hollywood Reporter

David Cronenberg Mentionne Rob, 'Cosmopolis' et 'Maps To The Stars' dans une Interview avec The Hollywood Reporter

Le mélodrame de David Cronenberg ‘Maps To The Stars’, qui se concentre sur la vie d’une famille à Hollywood, est le deuxième film du réalisateur vétéran avec la star de ‘Twilight’ Robert Pattinson, après ‘Cosmopolis’ en 2012.

Même si beaucoup voient encore Pattinson comme le vampire idole Edward Cullen, Cronenberg a dit à The Hollywood Reporter qu’il pouvait facilement voir au delà.

"Je n’ai aucun problème à ignorer ça" a déclaré le réalisateur. "Bien sur j’ai regardé le premier ‘Twilight’ juste pour voir ce que donnait sa présence à l’écran et ainsi de suite…Dès lors que vous êtes sur un plateau de tournage, c’est juste 2 personnes en train de faire un film. Vous oubliez vos propres films aussi."

Discutant avec THR avant la projection de Maps lors du Festival du Film de New York, Cronenberg a expliqué qu’il voulait travailler avec Pattinson (qui n’était pas présent pour cet événement) sur ce film et ce pas seulement parce que le réalisateur pense qu’il est “un acteur fabuleux” et qu’ils “ont passé du bon temps sur ‘Cosmopolis’”, mais aussi parce que ça donne à Pattinson l’opportunité de participer à un film réunissant plusieurs têtes d’affiches, comme il en avait exprimé le souhait auprès de Cronenberg.

"Il m’avait confié être effrayé à l’époque de ‘Cosmopolis’ parce qu’il n’avait jamais vraiment désiré faire un film pour lequel il serait le personnage principal et pour lequel il aurait tout le poids du film sur ses épaules." a expliqué le réalisateur. "Et bien sur, dans ce film il est dans quasiment toutes les scènes. Il a dit, ‘Un jour, j’adorerais faire un film qui réunit plein de bons acteurs, et je serais l’un d’eux (et il est l’un d’eux)."

Alors que Cronenberg mettait sur pied Maps, il a pensé à son acteur de "Cosmopolis".

La suite de l'article sont des informations que nous avons déjà lu dans d'autres interview

Traduction Pattinson Art Work / English version after the cut


David Cronenberg's Hollywood-centered family melodrama Maps to the Stars marks the veteran director's second straight film with Twilight alum Robert Pattinson after 2012's 'Cosmopolis'. 
Although many still see Pattinson as vampire heartthrob Edward Cullen, Cronenberg told The Hollywood Reporter he can easily look past that. 
"I have no problem ignoring that," the director said. "Of course I watched the first Twilight movie just to see what he was like and get a feel for his screen presence and so on and so on. … By the time you're on the set, it's just the two of you making movies. You forget your own movies too."

Speaking to THR ahead of Saturday night's New York Film Festival screening of Maps, Cronenberg explained that he wanted to work with Pattinson (who wasn't in attendance at the New York event) on this movie not only because the director thinks of him as "a wonderful actor" and they "had a good time on 'Cosmopolis', " but also because it provided the opportunity for Pattinson to participate in the sort of ensemble film he'd told Cronenberg he wanted to do.
"He told me that he was scared about 'Cosmopolis' because he had not really wanted to do a movie where he was the lead and had the whole movie on his shoulders," the director explained. "And of course in that movie he's in almost every scene. He said, 'One day I'd love to do an ensemble piece where there are a lot of good actors and [he's] just one of them.' "
When Cronenberg was putting together Maps, he thought of his 'Cosmopolis' star.
In Maps, Pattinson plays a limo driver/aspiring screenwriter who forms a connection with a mysterious young woman played by Mia Wasikowska, who arrives in L.A. from Florida and ends up working for Julianne Moore's diva actress. 
Conversations between Pattinson's and Wasikowska's characters provide insight into the world of Hollywood outsiders striving to become insiders.
Indeed screenwriter Bruce Wagner said he thought having a character who's a limo driver, enhanced by his own experience doing that job for a number of years, offered a good way in to the Hollywood-centric story.

"I found it's a great window in to a narrative because it's someone who's indifferent in a way and yet his job is to shepherd those who have great wealth or fame, and yet he is kind of invisible in a sense," the writer told THR. "In that way it was a great narrative tool for me. Being a limousine driver was a way in to story with a capital 'S.' "

Pattinson's work with Cronenberg is just part of his attempt to distance himself from the Summit vampire franchise through more serious, challenging roles, including parts in June's 'The Rover', Werner Herzog's 'Queen of the Desert' and an upcoming collaboration with Harmony Korine.

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