jeudi 2 octobre 2014

A Great Read on Rob's Career. From 'Little Ashes' to 'The Rover'. By Kevin Stewart from @moviepilotnews

Une Très Bonne Lecture sur la Carrière de Rob. De 'Little Ashes' à 'The Rover'. Par Kevin Stewart chez @moviepilotnews

"He is finally on my radar and he is flying high with potential"
"Il est enfin dans mon radar et il vole haut avec son potentiel"

From Movie Pilot:
I sat through only one episode of the Twlight series that launched the fan craze of Robert Pattinson. The episode was,Eclipse. That was that. Pattinson did not register on my radar again until I saw him in David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis. I wondered, who is this actor. I did not yet know of his legacy as the Heart throbbing romantic vampire, Edward Cullen. Yet there in Cosmopolis, Pattinson sat in the back seat of a limo all groomed and grand playing the role of Eric Packer (a young billionaire). Pattinson seemed right for the part because despite all his popularity, Pattinson's on screen presence can seem like that of a man out of place. In Cosmopolis he portrays a character who is indeed more stoic than 'lost' and it seems that Pattinson's almost expressionless gaze was necessary for this role. Eric is a billionaire making calls that will hurt the economy. As sure as those who brought on the 2008 calamity to the real economy, this role (this movie) comments on such indifference billionaires must have as the world passes by their many windowed mansions.

As is be-fitting a Cronenberg film, rioters, riot and blood shed has a sex appeal. But then distance maintains the quietude, then finally, night falls and ones destination is reached. The film based on a Book by Don DeLillo is both too dense and too controversial to analysis here. Both Cronenberg's adaptation as well as Pattinson's performance have received a good bid of space on the internet. Yet despite the unrelenting pursuit of his child-like Twilight-fans and the inane film critics, critics like Grace Randolph who seem more like parasites with microphones than series movie analysis, one thing most critics can agree on is that in this role and many listed herein, Pattinson has immersed himself into acting school under fire.

I admit it. I did not know that teenage idol worshipers have a hard time letting go of their saviors. Things went better for Matthew McConaughey as he remade himself from that of romantic comedy jock to an Oscar contender. While McConaughey, DeCaprio and Pitt are names of actors who all had to charter an escape from the hell hole of obscurity; an obscurity their very own looks might have forever banished them to become an over-rated non entity, none seemed as burdened with a coterie inviting him to that very hole as badly as Pattinson's. With his head full of hair often tousled (likened to an Edward Scissorhands) and a heavy set of eyebrows, he is an easy face to pick out of a crowd. I wonder if his British accent added to his girl mania? It is certain that his on screen romance with his now ex-girlfriend (Kristen Stewart) has something to do with that ever- present ever-shrieking fan craze.

Pas de traduction / More after the cut

The roles actors take on in franchises tend to transcend the screens that separate them from their audiences. Many teenage movie goers tend to transpose their lives with those of their screen idols. Fantasies are apt to do that. Lately, when fans of characters are satisfied with the actor who is chosen to play their favorite characters, they become mixed with the madness of summer block buster and their own real life summer romances. This mixture of fact with fantasy can become toxic. Edward Cullen has become Pattinson's Frankenstein.

As autumn approaches, editors of magazines turn down the heat of summer block busters to a simmer. Content and covers are designed to pull readers in from the summer fun of splashing around cinematic lunacy. On slow burn readers and lovers of film go in search of shards truth. Those whose motivations are to discern fact from fantasy, are not apt to go mad over celebrities. If one is a journalist assigned to interview a celebrity, it takes a patience to provide a space where actors can unwind and open up. My eyes and my mind are constantly in search of actors with whom I seem destined to follow (the last time I swore Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and a few others would be my last 'Brat Pac' to follow beyond my wallet's capacity to justify). Recently, while I scanned the magazine racks at the Barnes and Noble in North Little Rock, I noticed Pattinson's half covered mug peering over a panel. He once again came under my radar. Like my recent blog on the actor Idris Elba, my decision to write about Pattinson stems from the fact that he appeared on the covers of a magazine, Not just that but one I trust. In this case, Esquire Magazine. I read the Esquire article and while doing so, I remembered the reviews of THE ROVER that I had seen on (Grace Randolph's among them). Her review was condemning. Yet judging from his choice of directors Cronenberg (twice), David Michod (the Aussie director responsible for ANIMAL KINGDOM), Werner Hersog and Anton Corjbin with whom he has chosen to work, Pattinson with no compass to guide him, has chartered a course of escape from being just a pretty boy suitable only for tabloid mania.

Yet the films that pique my curiosity were LITTLE ASHES (directed by Paul Morrison) and WATER FOR ELEPHANTS (Francis Lawrence). These films made with directors who are not yet household names are worthy. The roles therein may become even more telling of Pattinson's development. Take LITTLE ASHES:

Imagine what it must have been like to play the part of a young Salvador Dali and clasp (in a passionate manner) another male actor (Javier Beltran in his role as legendary poet and rumored lover of Dali- Frederico Garcia Lorca). The first encounter I had with a fictional homosexual love scene came while reading a novel by James Baldwin. I found myself utter transfixed by the writing yet bothered that it was arousing. In light of the fact that Pattinson speaks askance on nudity and sex scene, such memories of my own enable me to recognize and attribute a great deal of respect to actors who can achieve convincing homoerotic scenes. See LITTLE ASHES. On the subject of sex scenes, the internet is replete with compilations of Pattinson's kissing scenes where his bodies interlocked with women suggests passionate moments; yet these near erotic celluloid moments do little other than serve fan mania. The arch of an actor's passion has to extend into the conviction he conveys. Pattinson kisses well, yet he is not yet entirely comfortable with his body. It is fitting to try to piece the developments of an actors career into liner line of progression: one role after another. However LITTLE ASHES came while Pattinson was still apart of the Twilight franchise. COSMOPOLIS and THE ROVER came afterward. Its important to note this as Pattinson began to invest in himself even before the surrealism of his post -Twilight year set in.

While I read the magazine article I laughed at some of the revelations Pattinson shared with writer Sanjiv Bhattacharya. He was engaging and amusing. He shared what his life is like: How he has to find out-of-the way places in order to chill. With all the paparazzi and negative press always lurking, Pattinson's understandable uneasiness still seems penetrable. He opens up; if only as long as the allowable time. I am reminded of the fact that sometimes photographers are only given 15 minutes with the President of the United States. Imagine that, you have only 15 minutes to capture something genuine. In the face of power be it movies star, celebrity or politician, you can not 'flub it up'. What would you I or anyone do? Robert Pattinson is no where near the importance attributed to the great leaders of the world. Yet he has his own 'cross of popularity' to bear. How would anyone of us get beyond that and get to something genuine?

One wonders if the roles Pattinson has played this far have given him enough distance from his own surreal life as a celebrity. IN THE ROVER, he is in a post-apocalyptic world. In Map to the Star, he exist in the artificial and sometimes ghostly world of Hollywood. He himself seems to carry with him an enigma that he must constantly deny. If you see his shaved head in THE ROVER, you see a man trying to deny the power that Twilight bestowed upon him. Yet that power helps the directors who decide to help him. He helps them. By his own admission, “I don’t promote their films that much”. Yet his presence brings the bucks.....and the ever weary fan base of his brings the tabloids. NOW THATS POWER.

A recent turn of events in Pattison's life where he has seeming ventured too far afield the surreal of his past and into the real of his present, must be taxing. His real life love of music and those he seeks to hold hands with in public has has ignited a firestorm as his romance with FKA TWIGS smolders on twitter . He seems still trapped in some vampiric state of a living death. There is where his legion of followers promise to shed even their very own decency to thwart his developments in real romance and serious acting.

Let us hope the the best for Robert Pattinson as he continues to try to awaken from the state of undeadness as Edward Cullen. He is finally on my radar and he is flying high with potential.


3 commentaires:

  1. c'est dommage je n'arrive pas a trouver le DVD de(little ashes) j'aurais bien aimé voir ce film

    1. Le DVD existe sur amazon mais en import. Je l'ai commandé et c'est sans risques. Mais il faut comprendre l'anglais car pas de sous titres français.

  2. merci pour le renseignement mais voila je ne comprend pas l'anglais ,je regarde beaucoup en sous titre ,c'est dommage a part l'italien et le Français souvent avec des faute ,je ne connais rien d'autre .


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