dimanche 6 octobre 2013

Robert Pattinson in 'Faces' Magazine (Switzerland) for Dior Homme - New Quotes

Robert Pattinson dans 'Faces' Magazine (Suisse) pour Dior Homme - Nouvelles Citations


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Source Scans: Andrea for ROBsessed

Traduction après la coupure / English Translation after the cut

Nous avons déjà lu plusieurs de ces questions et réponses dans d'autres interviews mais certaines sont nouvelles:

Traduction par Pattinson Art Work: 

À propos de tournage de la scène sur la plage:
"Le pare-chocs tout entier est tombé, c'était dingue (rires)!"

A propos des souvenirs liés à certaines odeurs:
"Je me souviens que mon père portait Brut de Fabergé. Il l'a toujours, ça me rappelle mes jours d'école quand j'étais jeune."

A propos des villes ou des pays liés à certaines odeurs:
"Mon père est du Yorkshire Il y a landes/marais et des bruyères partout - L'odeur est incroyable. Nous avions l'habitude de passer Noël là-bas, et même si je n'y suis pas retourné depuis des années, cette odeur est restée avec moi d'une certaine façon."

A propos de son odeur préférée: 
"J'aime l'odeur des gens (rires)." (Puis il parle de la découverte du parfum quand il avait 12 ans.)

A propos de sa journée parfaite: 

"Je ne peux pas la décrire exactement, j'aime m'occuper en faisant des choses. En ce moment, je travaille sur une histoire avec un ami. J'aime parler avec des gens et travailler avec eux sur des projets. Et j'aime débattre avec les gens de temps en temps aussi ( rires)."

 Il parle de Death Grips qui est son groupe préféré en ce moment.

Il parle de son style vestimentaire (nous l'avons déjà lu dans d'autres interviews, rien de nouveau à ce sujet).

Dernière question : Twilight vous a fait devenir célèbre, Cosmopolis a changé votre image et le film de la campagne Dior par Romain Gavras a donné à votre personnage quelque chose d'inattendu. L'odeur du succès est elle agréable?

"Être un acteur est étrange et la définition du succès (...) change au fil des ans. Bien sûr il y a un côté agréable à la réussite: Je n'ai plus besoin de m'inquiéter ou de travailler seulement pour l'argent, du moins pour les prochaines années. J'ai un immense respect pour tous ces films, c'est pourquoi j'essaie d'utiliser mon temps et mon énergie pour prendre des décisions passionnantes que tout le monde ne fait pas. (...) Mais je n'ai pas la sensation d'avoir déjà eu tant de succès que ça. Il y a quelque chose chez Dior qui me convient: La marque reste obstinément indépendante et c'est ce que je recherche pour moi en ce moment."


We have already read many of these questions and answers in other interviews, but some are new: 

Translation thanks to @KStewandRPatz via RPLife:

What kind of person is the man wearing Dior Homme?
He smells incredibly good! (laughs)
The campaign movie of Dior Homme begins with a scene at the beach. What of that do you remember from that?
We drove a small BMW along the beach. If you had stepped on the breaks the car would have immediately been mired in the sand, so we steadily drove 80 miles per hour, with the camera on board. And as the driver I was basically responsible for the other three models. The next thing I remember is the car speeding into the sea. The whole bumper fell off, it was wild! (laughs)
With you as the new face [of the fragrance], Dior Homme is reaching out to a completely new generation of young men. How would you describe them?
I just turned 27 and it wasn’t until now that I’ve come to realize that people don’t see me as a child anymore. It feels weird to finally see yourself as a grown up and to be treated like one by others. To describe my generation is difficult because for us the last ten years have been some kind of transition phase; and some of us still try to figure out what to do with all of that. At least that’s the case with me. (laughs)
Very often, certain smells are connected to memories. Do you have those?
I remember my dad, who has always worn Brut de Fabergé. He still has that fragrance and it reminds me of my early schooldays. As weird as it sounds but I still know exactly how he smells; it’s like it somehow burnt itself into my memory. Later, when I was about 12 years old, I started talking to girls and thought it would be cool to wear a perfume while doing that. I also remember vacation in Portugal. At the time I thought wearing a cool perfume would make me seem older. So that smell and hair wax had been my constant companions during that summer. (laughs)
Are there cities or countries that you connect with certain smells?
My dad’s from Yorkshire where there are a lot of moors and heather - that smell is simply amazing. We always spent Christmas there and even though I haven’t been there for years the smell never left me.
Do you have a favorite smell?
I like the smell of people. (laughs) I know that sounds a bit weird and probably has something to do with pheromones but you can often judge the character of a person by their scent. We surround ourselves with people who smell good for us, a process that most likely takes place completely subconsciously.
What does luxury mean to you?
Effortlessness. In my opinion real luxury is to not have to worry about anything. And when we shot the campaign [film] for Dior Homme it felt exactly like that.
What’s a perfect day for you?
I can’t really say, I just like to do stuff. At the moment I try to work on a story together with a friend. I like to communicate and share ideas with others and to work on a project. And every once in a while I love it to fight with people. (laughs)
Do you still play the guitar and piano?
I still play guitar and have just recently started to practice a bit more often again. But I haven’t had a gig in years. (laughs)
Do you currently have a favorite band or a favorite song?
To be quite honest, that’s pretty weird stuff - electronic music, for example, something I’ve never listened to before. A couple of friends of mine play in this awesome band, Death Grips, and they somehow really captivated me.
How would you describe your personal fashion style?
I actually just have a few basics that I wear every day. To me, what matters the most is whether something fits well or not. I don’t really care about anything else, just how it fits. So apart from that I usually wear the same piece of clothing until it literally falls off my body.
Who is your fashion icon?
I’ve always admired people who dressed practically. I somehow think that’s especially manly. I like clothes that last for a long time; until all that is left is the material they were made of. I’m thinking about Jack Nicholson’s clothes in “The Shining” or “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”; actually pretty much everything he’s worn in these films. When I was younger I constantly tried to dress exactly like that.
You never seem to take a break. But if you do what is your favorite place to relax?
Somewhere in England in the country.
Your favorite piece of literature?
Everything by Martin Amis.
Which word do you like hearing best?
Twilight made you famous, Cosmopolis changed your image, and Roman Gavrais’s campaign movie for Dior is adding something unexpected to your character. How sweet does success smell?
Being an actor is something incredibly weird and the definition of success - which in itself is already strange - changes over the years. Of course success also has a good side: I don’t have to worry about only having to work for the money [anymore], at least for a couple of years. I have huge respect for all these films which is why I try to take the time and energy and make exciting decisions; decisions not everyone makes. I just said “try” but it’s funny, actually, because I don’t feel like I’ve already had some kind of success. But there is something about Dior that really works for me - the brand itself remains stoically independent and that is exactly what I’d like to try for myself at the moment.

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