'Maps To The Stars': Plus de Détails sur le Rôle de Rob dans le Film?
Il y a un an, en avril 2012, le site Tracking-Board.com publiait un article dans lequel il parlait des premières rumeurs concernant 'Maps To The Stars' ainsi que du rôle de Rob. Ceci n'est pas une confirmation, car c'est un vieil article, mais si c'est vrai cela nous donne une indication sur le rôle de Rob dans ce film.
Via Tracking-board.com: (18 Avril 2012)
Robert Pattinson refera équipe avec David Cronenberg dans 'Maps to the Stars'
star de 'Twilight' Robert Pattinson fait son maximum pour qu'on ne le
décrive plus comme la star de 'Twilight', et si cela signifie pour lui de travailler sur
tous les prochains films de David Cronenberg, il est alors prêt à le faire.
vient juste d'être rattaché à la prochaine comédie sombre et dramatique du réalisateur Cronenberg, MAPS TO THE STARS.Le film, qui compte déjà Viggo Mortensen dans ses rangs, raconte l'histoire de deux enfants acteurs
ruinés par la dépravation d'Hollywood. Pattinson incarnerait Jerome, chauffeur le jour et acteur qui galère, la nuit. Bruce
Wagner, qui devait au début tourner le film, avant que Cronenberg ne
prenne les rênes en 2006, a écrit le script. (...)
Cette information date d'il y a un an et nous savons depuis que Viggo Mortensen ne fera pas partie du film.
A year ago, in April 2012, Tracking-Board.com released an article in which they talked about the first 'Maps To The Stars' rumors and Rob's character. This is not a confirmation, because this is an old article, but if this is true it gives us an indication of Rob's character in this film.
From Tracking-board.com: (April 18th, 2012)
Robert Pattinson To Re-Team with David Cronenberg in “Maps to the Stars”
The ubiquitous “Twilight” star Robert Pattinson is doing everything he can to not be described as “‘Twilight’ star Pattinson”, and if it takes attaching himself to every upcoming David Cronenberg project to do so, by God he will follow through.
Pattinson has just become attached as a supporting actor in director Cronenberg’s upcoming darkly comedic drama, MAPS TO THE STARS. The pic, to which Viggo Mortensen is already attached, details the story of two child actors ruined by Hollywood’s depravity. Pattinson is said to play Jerome, a chauffeur by day and struggling actor by night. Scribe Bruce Wagner, who was originally set to direct until Cronenberg took the reigns in 2006, penned the script. (...)
The ubiquitous “Twilight” star Robert Pattinson is doing everything he can to not be described as “‘Twilight’ star Pattinson”, and if it takes attaching himself to every upcoming David Cronenberg project to do so, by God he will follow through.
Pattinson has just become attached as a supporting actor in director Cronenberg’s upcoming darkly comedic drama, MAPS TO THE STARS. The pic, to which Viggo Mortensen is already attached, details the story of two child actors ruined by Hollywood’s depravity. Pattinson is said to play Jerome, a chauffeur by day and struggling actor by night. Scribe Bruce Wagner, who was originally set to direct until Cronenberg took the reigns in 2006, penned the script. (...)
This information is from last year and since we know that Viggo Mortensen will not be part of the film
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