Nous vous avions postés les photos de cette rencontre ICI, eonline UK a récolté le témoignage des fans: / We previously posted pictures of this encounter HERE, eonline UK collected what the fans had to say about it:
De eonline UK :
Robert Pattinson est tellement charmant, et tout ce qu'il lui suffit de faire ces derniers jours, c'est de se montrer pour avoir l'approbation de ses fans. Mais être super sympa ça aide évidemment!"Je ne m'attendais pas à ce qu'il soit si gentil," à dit Tara Oberti d'Adélaïde toute heureuse à E! News sur sa rencontre de la semaine dernière avec la star de Twilight à l'aéroport de la capitale d'Australie du Sud, où elle et quelques amies s'étaient rassemblées pour attendre l'arrivée de Pattinson. Il est en ville pour tourner The Rover avec Guy Pearce.
"Il nous a dit: 'Merci beaucoup les filles d'être venues et d'avoir attendu pour moi, ça me touche beaucoup," se rappele Oberti. "Puis
son manager ou qui qu'il soit nous a remercié aussi, et
puis nous sommes parties. J'ai dit à R.Pattz 'Profite bien de ton séjour à Adélaïde et
il m'a remercié encore."
les bons moments ne s'arrêtent pas là: Oberti a dit qu'elle et ses amies avaient également vu Pattinson tard cette nuit-là dans un pub local et il leur a fait un sourire en les reconnaissant!"Il
était dans un petit pub de style grunge", dit elle en décrivant le lieu, "il faisait sombre à l'intérieur, bruyant et animé, mais vraiment sympa avec des
guitares acoustiques et tout ça." (Pas
de photos de la rencontre dans le pub, hélas, mais d'après ce que nous avons
entendu, Rob a dit qu'il faisait de la musique comme un mec normal
dans son garage, ça semblait être son genre de bar, vous ne pensez pas?)Taylah
Cailes, une autre des chanceuses qui ont participé à la photo de groupe avec R.Pattz à l'aéroport (elle et Oberti ont partagé leur butin sur
Twitter), a déclaré à E! News que son groupe attendait près d'une 'porte dérobée' de l'aéroport d'où elles ont aussi vu Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber et Zac Efron sortir."Il marchait avec son manager et un garde du corps" se rappele Cailes. "Il
avait l'air d'une personne tout à fait normale. Il avait une guitare
avec lui aussi. J'ai été la première à le voir sortir et j'étais paralysée et
je ne pouvais plus parler en le montrant du doigt. Il m'a vu et il a eu le
plus beau des sourires sur son visage! "
"Nous avons demandé gentiment si nous pouvions avoir une photo avec lui", dit elle. "Il
a dit qu'il était pressé et a demandé si c'était ok que nous fassions une photo de groupe et il s'est assuré que nous nous connaissions les unes les autres,
et nous avons dit: 'Oui', nous avons pris notre photo, puis il nous a dit: 'Je vous
remercie' en souriant et est monté dans sa voiture."
Quel gentleman! On dirait que Pattinson ne peut pas s'empêcher de se faire des amis dévoués partout où il va.
Original version after the jump
From eonline UK :
Robert Pattinson is so charming, all he needs to do is show up these
days to get his fans' seal of approval.
But being super-nice obviously helps!
"Wasn't expecting him to be so sweet," Tara Oberti of Adelaide happily told E! News of her encounter last week with the Twilight star at the airport in the South Australian capital, where she and some pals had gathered to await Pattinson's arrival. He's in town to shoot The Rover with Guy Pearce.
"He was just, like, 'Thank you guys so much for coming and waiting for me, it means a lot,'" Oberti recalled. "Then his manager or whatever he was thanked us girls, too, and then we were walking off. I [told R.Pattz], 'Enjoy your time in Adelaide' and he thanked me again."Swoon!
But the fun didn't end there: Oberti said that she and her mates also saw Pattinson later that night at a local pub—and he totally gave them a grin of recognition!
"It was a small, grungy type of pub," she described the place, "dark inside, loud and busy, but real chilled out with acoustic guitars and all that." (No photos from the pub encounter, alas, but from what we've heard Rob say about making music like a normal bloke in his garage, it sounds like his kind of bar, don't you think?)
Taylah Cailes, another one of lucky ladies who shared a camera click with R.Pattz at the airport (both she and Oberti shared their spoils on Twitter), told E! News that her group was waiting near a "secret door" at the airport from which they've also seen Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Zac Efron emerge from at times.
"He was walking with his manager and one security guard," Cailes recalled. "He looked like a completely normal person. He had a guitar with him as well. I was the first to spot him walk out and I froze and was sort of speechless and pointing at him. He saw me and he had the cutest smirk on his face!"
"We asked nicely if we could get a picture with him," she said. "He said he was in a rush and asked if it was okay if we got a group photo and made sure that we knew each other, and we said, 'Yes,' took our photo and then he said, 'Thank you,' to us, smiling, and got in his car.
"Can someone say gentleman? Sounds like Pattinson just can't help but make devoted friends everywhere he goes.
But being super-nice obviously helps!
"Wasn't expecting him to be so sweet," Tara Oberti of Adelaide happily told E! News of her encounter last week with the Twilight star at the airport in the South Australian capital, where she and some pals had gathered to await Pattinson's arrival. He's in town to shoot The Rover with Guy Pearce.
"He was just, like, 'Thank you guys so much for coming and waiting for me, it means a lot,'" Oberti recalled. "Then his manager or whatever he was thanked us girls, too, and then we were walking off. I [told R.Pattz], 'Enjoy your time in Adelaide' and he thanked me again."Swoon!
But the fun didn't end there: Oberti said that she and her mates also saw Pattinson later that night at a local pub—and he totally gave them a grin of recognition!
"It was a small, grungy type of pub," she described the place, "dark inside, loud and busy, but real chilled out with acoustic guitars and all that." (No photos from the pub encounter, alas, but from what we've heard Rob say about making music like a normal bloke in his garage, it sounds like his kind of bar, don't you think?)
Taylah Cailes, another one of lucky ladies who shared a camera click with R.Pattz at the airport (both she and Oberti shared their spoils on Twitter), told E! News that her group was waiting near a "secret door" at the airport from which they've also seen Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Zac Efron emerge from at times.
"He was walking with his manager and one security guard," Cailes recalled. "He looked like a completely normal person. He had a guitar with him as well. I was the first to spot him walk out and I froze and was sort of speechless and pointing at him. He saw me and he had the cutest smirk on his face!"
"We asked nicely if we could get a picture with him," she said. "He said he was in a rush and asked if it was okay if we got a group photo and made sure that we knew each other, and we said, 'Yes,' took our photo and then he said, 'Thank you,' to us, smiling, and got in his car.
"Can someone say gentleman? Sounds like Pattinson just can't help but make devoted friends everywhere he goes.
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