Merci à toutes et tous pour vos nombreux messages d'anniversaire pour nos 5 ans de blog et pour tous vos commentaires adorables. Vous êtes chaque jour plus nombreux à nous suivre, à lire nos articles et à partager nos posts et nous tenions à vous remercier chaleureusement pour votre soutien et votre fidélité! Vous avez été très nombreux à participer à ce concours et nous sommes ravies de vous gâter!
Voici donc le nom des trois gagnants de ces magazines, tirés au sort:
Thanks everyone for your many birthday messages for our 5 years blogging and all your lovely comments. You are more and more every day to follow us, to read our articles and to share our posts and we would like to thank you warmly for your support and your loyalty! There was a lot of entries for this giveaway and we are happy to spoil you! Here are the names of the three winners of these magazines, picked randomly:
- @twenty22too (on Twitter)
-Bru SlaveforRob (on Facebook)
Thanks everyone for your many birthday messages for our 5 years blogging and all your lovely comments. You are more and more every day to follow us, to read our articles and to share our posts and we would like to thank you warmly for your support and your loyalty! There was a lot of entries for this giveaway and we are happy to spoil you! Here are the names of the three winners of these magazines, picked randomly:
- @twenty22too (on Twitter)
-Bru SlaveforRob (on Facebook)
-Chrys Life (on the Blog)
Bravo aux gagnants! :) Les magazines vous seront envoyés au plus vite chez vous!
Merci de nous préciser votre adresse postale à cette
adresse mail: pour l'envoi de votre lot
Congrats to the winners! :) The magazines will be sent to you as soon as possible !
Congrats to the winners! :) The magazines will be sent to you as soon as possible !
Please send us your full adress by email at: so we can send your prize.
A bientôt!
See you soon!
Merci ma belle pour le concours !!!
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Gros Bisous !!! Tout plein !!! :* :* :*