lundi 17 février 2014

Robert Pattinson and 'Cosmopolis' are on the Cover of ‘World Film Locations: Toronto’ Book

Robert Pattinson et 'Cosmopolis' sont en Couverture du Livre ‘World Film Locations: Toronto’

Toronto est une ville où de nombreux tournages ont lieu chaque année. 'Cosmopolis' a notamment été tourné là bas. Tout comme d'autres films passés et à venir de la filmographie de Rob. Ce livre est une sorte d'encyclopédie des tournages qui ont eu lieu dans la ville canadienne. Il va sortir en avril 2014 et peut être acheté ici. Nous ne savons pas encore s'il y a d'autres photos de Rob et de 'Cosmopolis' à l’intérieur du livre.

Toronto is a city where many films are shot every year. 'Cosmopolis' was filmed there. As well as other movies, past and upcoming, from Rob's filmography. This book is a kind of encyclopedia of filming that took place in the Canadian city. It will be published in April 2014 and can be purchased here. We don't know yet if there are other pictures of Rob and 'Cosmopolis' within the book.

Toronto is a changing city that has been a source of reflection and inspiration to writers and artists whose work focuses on the conditions and prospects of human life. A city on the move, it demands policies and regulation, and it offers the pleasures and perils of the massive and the anonymous. As a site of study, the city is inherently multidisciplinary, with natural ties to history, geography, sociology, architecture, art history, literature, and many other fields.
World Film Locations: Toronto explores and reveals the relationship between the city and cinema using a predominately visual approach. The juxtaposition of the images used in combination with insightful essays helps to demonstrate the role that the city has played in a number of hit films, including Cinderella Man, American Psycho, and X-Men and encourages the reader to frame an understanding of Toronto and the world around us. The contributors trace Toronto’s emergence as an international city and demonstrate the narrative interests that it has continued to inspire among filmmakers, both Canadian and international.
With support from experts in Canadian studies, the book’s selection of films successfully shows the many facets of Toronto and also provides insider’s access to a number of sites that are often left out of scholarship on Toronto in films, such as the Toronto International Film Festival. The 2014 release of this attractive volume will be a particularly welcome addition to the international celebrations of the city’s 180th anniversary.

Source Tom Ue / Via RPAustralia

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