Australians in Film Awards & Benefit Dinner 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
InterContinental Los Angeles
Thursday, October 24, 2013
InterContinental Los Angeles
Les géants d'Hollywood ainsi que l'élite des acteurs et réalisateurs australiens vont se réunir à Los Angeles la semaine prochaine pour un dîner de bienfaisance et de récompenses.L'Australie va faire étalage de sa force Hollywoodienne la semaine prochaine à Los Angeles, avec Baz Luhrmann, Jacki Weaver, Joel Edgerton et Alex O'Loughlin parmi la liste des Australiens qui seront honorés lors d'un dîner de bienfaisance à Los Angeles.
Le dîner, organisé par 'Australian in Film' (à but non lucratif) basé à Los Angeles, incluera également beaucoup de grands noms non-Australiens, notamment l'idole de Twilight Robert Pattinson, le réalisateur nominé aux Oscars David O. Russell et le duo de Matrix Andy et Lana Wachowski, qui présenteront des prix. (...)
Le dîner de bienfaisance annuel, qui se tiendra à l'hôtel Intercontinental de Los Angeles jeudi prochain (24 Octobre), soutiendra la mission de 'Australian in Film' de mener les cinéastes australiens sur le marché international et d'offrir des programmes éducatifs pour les membres de l'organisation.
Hollywood heavyweights and elite Australian actors and filmmakers will come together in Los Angeles next week for an awards benefit dinner.
Australia will flex its Hollywood muscle in Los Angeles next week, with Baz Luhrmann, Jacki Weaver, Joel Edgerton and Alex O'Loughlin among the list of Aussies to be honoured at a benefit dinner in Los Angeles.
The dinner, organised by LA-based non-profit Australians in Film, will also include plenty big name non-Aussies, headed by Twilight heart-throb Robert Pattinson, Oscar-nominated director David O. Russell and Matrix duo Andy and Lana Wachowski who will present awards.
Luhrmann and Edgerton's Blue-Tongue Films collective will receive the Fox Studios Australia-sponsored Orry-Kelly International Award, named after Australia's most prolific Oscar-winning costume designer, who won three Academy Awards in the 1950s for An American in Paris, Les Girls and Some Like It Hot.
Weaver, who became hot property in Hollywood with her 2010 performance in the Blue-Tongue crime drama Animal Kingdom, and Hawaii Five-O star O'Loughlin, will receive Breakthrough Awards.
Australia's touted next big thing actor, Sullivan Stapleton, who stars in the upcoming 300 sequel, 300: Rise of an Empire and had a role opposite Sean Penn in Gangster Squad, will also receive a Breakthrough Award.
The AusFilm international award will be presented to Warner Bros president of worldwide production Steve Papazian.
The annual benefit dinner, to be held at LA's InterContinental hotel next Thursday (October 24), will support Australians in Film's mission to usher Australian filmmakers into the international market and provide educational programs for the organisation's members.
Le réalisateur de 'The Rover', David Michod, sera aussi présent à la soirée pour remettre un prix.
David Michod, director of 'The Rover', will also presenting at this event.
Le communiqué complet de l' 'Australians in Film Awards' à lire ICI
Read full 'Australians in Film Awards' press release HERE
Via RPlife
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