mardi 18 juin 2013

Robert Pattinson / James Dean - Two Icones (Fanmade)

Robert Pattinson / James Dean - Deux Icones (Fanmade)

2 commentaires:

  1. For anyone to compare this guy to James Dean really need to get their heads examined. If you remove this comment then you cannot face the truth. How is this photo compared to the way James Dean is walking?? Explain this at least. And please be serious now.

    1. Thank you so much for giving us your opinion and your great wisdom in analyzing the way of walking that a person is an icon or not. Use your energy to comment on blogs about James Dean, life is too short! And we will spend your message to Dior because they are clearly misled too! And if I want to remove your comment its my choice, my blog and my free will, like you have yours to write your blank comments just to arouse interest, hidden behind your little computer. Grow up!


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