Suite de l'Interview de Patricia McKenzie par le site Robsessed. Si vous l'avez raté, la partie 1 est ici
Next part of Patricia McKenzie's interview with Robsessed. If you missed Part 1 its here
Next part of Patricia McKenzie's interview with Robsessed. If you missed Part 1 its here
ROBsessed: Décrivez cette scène en 3 mots
Patricia McKenzie: Érotique. Érotique. Érotique. Érotique. Exotique. Énigmatique.
ROBsessed: Décrivez Kendra en 3 mots
McKenzie: Seule. Inquisitrice. Indépendante.
ROBsessed: Ca vous fait quoi de battre les si célèbres Edward & Bella chez les Fans de Robsessed?
McKenzie: Je n'ai vu aucun des films Twilight donc je ne sais pas contre
quoi cette scène alléchante est en compétition , mais je suis très honorée d'y avoir participé.
Rob a dit une fois qu'il y avait des astuces pour cacher les parties intimes lors des scènes de sexe. Quelles autres astuces sont utilisées lors des
scènes de sexe? Des chewing gums à la menthe?
McKenzie: Des
habilleurs viennent entre chaque prise avec des peignoirs pour couvrir les
acteurs, faire des retouches maquillage et nous asperger pour un effet fausse
sueur, même si ce dernier détail n'était pas vraiment nécessaire. Il
fait incroyablement chaud et on transpire beaucoup sous les spots lumineux de cinéma,
et j'étais en pleine phase, comme ça m'arrive parfois, d'arrêter l'utilisation
de déodorant, de vernis à ongle et autres produits
chimiques. Ça fait partie de ma désintoxication. Ça me prend beaucoup de temps avant de transpirer donc je n'ai pas trop fait attention au fait de risquer d'avoir très chaud ou de sentir mauvais. Mais heureusement, j'avais des petites lingettes déodorantes que j'ai tenté
d'utiliser, ce qui était embarrassant, mais je me dis qu'au moins il se doutait que j'essayais de ne pas sentir trop mauvais. Quant au fait
d'être couvert, je ne portais rien du tout et Rob avait une chaussette
de sport blanche fixée avec du ruban adhésif pour couvrir ses parties intimes, ce qui
était assez drôle. Parfois je trouve que ces caches-sexe ne font
qu'attirer encore plus l'attention sur la nudité et me rendent encore plus consciente d'être nue que si je ne portais rien. Mais il n 'était pas d'accord avec mon argument et il a gardé sa chaussette, plutôt assez légèrement attachée.
La suite en cliquant sur 'Lire la Suite' / English version after the jump
ROBsessed: Que penses tu que Kendra a fait après avoir tazé Eric? Elle le regarde ou recharge le pistolet?
Je pense qu'elle envisage brièvement de l'embrasser partout sur le corps pour essayer d'apaiser sa douleur mais en fait elle s'en va avant qu'il ne revienne à lui.
ROBsessed: Aviez vous un coach pour avoir ce physique ou bien vous entrainiez vous seule?
McKenzie: J'ai fait de l'entrainement pour la danse toute ma vie et ça me permet de garder un physique décent. Je me suis essayée à la boxe pour me mettre dans la peau d'un
garde du corps et j'ai découvert que la boxe, en plus d'être un entrainement très efficace, est un super complétement au jeu d'acteur. Si vous n'êtes
pas en totale concentration en tant que boxeur, vous perdez, comme quand
vous jouez.
ROBsessed: Comment faites vous pour être encore vivante?
McKenzie: Ha ha. C'est toujours électrisant de travailler sur un plateau,
surtout avec des gens aussi reconnus dans la profession, mais je passe le plus de temps à auditionner, à me créer des opportunités
et à m'investir dans mes autres passions. Les moments excitants sont tempérés
par la nécessité de rester concentrée, de ne pas prendre les refus trop personnellement et à apprécier ce que j'ai, quand je l'ai.
ROBsessed: Sur quoi travaillez vous ce moment? Voudriez vous travailler de nouveau avec Rob et David?
Je travaille sur une série TV autour d'un meurtre mystérieux, nommé
"Still Life" basée sur des romans de Louise Penny et qui va commencer prochainement. A coté de ça je vais aussi me lancer en tant que productrice pour une Sit-Com si j'arrive à
récolter suffisamment de fonds et je me suis aussi faite plaisir à écrire
quelques nouvelles chansons que j'ai hâte d'enregistrer en studio.
Bien sur je suis impatiente de travailler à nouveau avec Rob et David.
Ils savent où me trouver, j'espère qu'ils appelleront bientôt!
ROBsessed: Describe the scene in 3 words.
Patricia McKenzie: erotic. erotic. erotic. erotic. exotic. enigmatic.
ROBsessed: Describe Kendra in 3 words.
McKenzie: alone. searching. free
ROBsessed: How does it feel to beat the iconic Edward & Bella among Robsessed fans?
McKenzie: I have never seen any of the Twilight movies, so I don't know what tantalizing celluloid the scene was up against, but I am really honoured to have been in the running.
ROBsessed: Rob once said sex scene tricks have modesty patches. What other tricks are used in sex scenes? Mint gum?
McKenzie: Wardrobe arrives between each take with a robe, to cover the actors up, touch up makeup and spray fake sweat, although the last part was wholly unnecessary. It's incredibly hot and sweaty gyrating under cinema lights, and I was going through a phase, as I sometimes do, where I stopped using deodorant and wearing nail polish or any other chemicals. All part of my detox. It takes me a lot to work up a sweat, so I didn't really consider how hot I would be or how potentially smelly. So luckily, I had two little deodorant wipes, that I tried to use, which was mortifying, but at least maybe he knew I was trying not to be offensively oderous. As far as being covered up, I had nothing, and Rob had a white sport sock taped on with masking tape, for modesty which was pretty funny. Sometimes I find those awkward cover-ups only draw attention to the nudity and make me more self-conscious than if I have nothing, but he didn't buy my argument, and kept the sock, rather flimsily attached.
ROBsessed: What do you think Kendra did after Eric's tasered? Watch QVC or recharge the gun? McKenzie: I think she briefly considered kissing him all over to try to soothe his pain, but then left before he recovered.
ROBsessed: Did you have a trainer to get in shape or trained yourself?
McKenzie: I have a lifetime of dance training that keeps me in decent shape. I dabbled in boxing to feel more like a bodyguard and discovered that boxing, apart from being a killer workout, is a great complement to acting. If you are not completely in the moment as a boxer, you lose, much like acting.
ROBsessed: How are you still alive?
McKenzie: Ha ha. It's always a thrill to be working on set, especially with such luminaries in the craft, but most of my time is spent auditioning, creating opportunities, and in the pursuit of other passions I have. The exciting moments are tempered by the reality of staying focussed, not taking rejection personally and appreciating what I have, when I have it.
ROBsessed: What are you working on now? Would you work with Rob and David again?
McKenzie: I'm in the ensemble of a TV murder mystery series called "Still Life" based on a series of novels by Louise Penny that starts soon. On the side, I'm pitching a Sit-Com I'd like to produce if I can get enough funding, and I've really been in my element writing a bunch of new songs, and looking forward to recording them in studio. Of course I look forward to working with Rob and David again. They know where to find me, I hope they call soon!
Patricia McKenzie: erotic. erotic. erotic. erotic. exotic. enigmatic.
ROBsessed: Describe Kendra in 3 words.
McKenzie: alone. searching. free
ROBsessed: How does it feel to beat the iconic Edward & Bella among Robsessed fans?
McKenzie: I have never seen any of the Twilight movies, so I don't know what tantalizing celluloid the scene was up against, but I am really honoured to have been in the running.
ROBsessed: Rob once said sex scene tricks have modesty patches. What other tricks are used in sex scenes? Mint gum?
McKenzie: Wardrobe arrives between each take with a robe, to cover the actors up, touch up makeup and spray fake sweat, although the last part was wholly unnecessary. It's incredibly hot and sweaty gyrating under cinema lights, and I was going through a phase, as I sometimes do, where I stopped using deodorant and wearing nail polish or any other chemicals. All part of my detox. It takes me a lot to work up a sweat, so I didn't really consider how hot I would be or how potentially smelly. So luckily, I had two little deodorant wipes, that I tried to use, which was mortifying, but at least maybe he knew I was trying not to be offensively oderous. As far as being covered up, I had nothing, and Rob had a white sport sock taped on with masking tape, for modesty which was pretty funny. Sometimes I find those awkward cover-ups only draw attention to the nudity and make me more self-conscious than if I have nothing, but he didn't buy my argument, and kept the sock, rather flimsily attached.
ROBsessed: What do you think Kendra did after Eric's tasered? Watch QVC or recharge the gun? McKenzie: I think she briefly considered kissing him all over to try to soothe his pain, but then left before he recovered.
ROBsessed: Did you have a trainer to get in shape or trained yourself?
McKenzie: I have a lifetime of dance training that keeps me in decent shape. I dabbled in boxing to feel more like a bodyguard and discovered that boxing, apart from being a killer workout, is a great complement to acting. If you are not completely in the moment as a boxer, you lose, much like acting.
ROBsessed: How are you still alive?
McKenzie: Ha ha. It's always a thrill to be working on set, especially with such luminaries in the craft, but most of my time is spent auditioning, creating opportunities, and in the pursuit of other passions I have. The exciting moments are tempered by the reality of staying focussed, not taking rejection personally and appreciating what I have, when I have it.
ROBsessed: What are you working on now? Would you work with Rob and David again?
McKenzie: I'm in the ensemble of a TV murder mystery series called "Still Life" based on a series of novels by Louise Penny that starts soon. On the side, I'm pitching a Sit-Com I'd like to produce if I can get enough funding, and I've really been in my element writing a bunch of new songs, and looking forward to recording them in studio. Of course I look forward to working with Rob and David again. They know where to find me, I hope they call soon!
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