"Pattinson tried to convince Jeff Nichols to make Matthew McConaughey's character younger in 'MUD' so he could play him."
'MUD' est un film de Jeff Nichols avec Matthew McConaughey et Reese Witherspoon présenté cette année à Cannes en compétition et qui sortira en décembre en France.
'MUD' is a Jeff Nichols' movie with Matthew McConaughey & Reese Witherspoon in competition at Cannes Festival this year and will be released in december in France.
Fiche IMDB
"If you Insist: Pattinson could work again with Cronenberg in a movie 'incredibly dark' about ex stars child."
Mathieu Carratier nous parle du film 'Map to the Stars' que David Cronenberg et Rob ont déjà évoqué en ITW pendant la promo de 'Cosmopolis'.
Mathieu Carratier talks about the movie 'Map to the Stars' that David Cornenberg and Rob talked about in ITW during 'Cosmopolis'' promo.
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